The Legacy of LaForza

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<Author's Comments> I feel like y'all've been curious about whatever the heck is up with this weirdo planet I keep mentioning in my stories, so here's some extra info, textbook form! Kinda textbook form, at least. Pleas please pleeeaaasseee ask me questions!! Like "Was there any slavery there?" or "What type of currency did they use?" then ask! The answers to those questions are 'no' and 'adedapu', plural: 'adedapui'.


1.)    What is it?

LaForza is a planet, about 150% larger than Earth. Much of its surface is of water, three large masses of land crowded on one side of the planet. The farthest north is dubbed the Human Lands, since it is populated by humans. The southern mass is called the Dragon Lands, and dragons populate it. The last mass, to the east, is hailed as the Chimera (kim-AIR-uh) Lands. This one was created when a volcano erupted a strange, radioactive substance that would mutate any living thing there. Humans and dragons call the mutated creatures chimeras.

The humans believe dragons to be dangerous to their society, so their government banished the dragons to the Dragon Lands. They tell human society that the dragons are legends and don't exist so that they feel safer. Every once in a while, one is born with the ability to transform between dragon and human forms. Most times, if born human, the being would be sent to the Half-Breed Holding Facility (HBHF). Usually, the ability would be practiced either while in the womb or just after birth. Only three beings were said to be human for more than a year but change later. Two of these included Zeek Jetmarr and Saedy Ledlix.

2.)    Why’s it called LaForza?

The name LaForza comes from the planet’s main religion, the belief in the god Forza. The LaForzans believe that Forza supervises the reincarnation of souls, keeping their world in order. This religion of theirs accepts the theories of evolution and scientific facts, unlike many of Earth’s religions. Some who are not Forzan rebel for a change of planet name.

3.)    Who ruled it first?

The planet was first ruled by religious monks and so everything was equal and blended. At one point, Mier Venire (ven-EAR-ay) decided that the Forzan monks were “unfit for the throne.” He waited until Preon Ledlix weakened the religious people and took power for himself, beginning his own monarchy. After a few generations, the Ledlix (LED-licks) popped up again, and under the rule of Saedy Ledlix, won the throne and practiced their own form of government. It was still a monarchy, but the people had much more freedom. Seeing this as a danger to society, the Venire regained power. They stayed their own ways for a few generations, and then Deauron Venire was born into power and changed LaForza’s ways to match well with the Ledlix.

4.)    What happens to the half-dragons?

When a half dragon is born in human form, he is sent to the HBHF. When one is born from a dragon, the humans will likely not know, and the half-human will stay in the Dragon Lands, scared to be noticed and captured. Sometimes, said transformer will travel to the Human Lands in search of answers. There, he will be captured and sent to the Half-Breed Holding Facility (HBHF). This round facility is an artificial island placed in the water between the northern and southern Human and Dragon Lands. It is specially de­signed to hold those who can transform freely from human to dragon, posing a threat to society. A type of force-field was produced by the humans so that when a half-breed would pass through it, they would be painfully transformed into what is nowadays called a Half -- a human-like being with dragon-like body parts, such as paws, tail, ears, et cetera. This process of changing saps the being’s energy so much that for a long time all they can do is eat and sleep. This helps the HBHF keepers ‘tame’ the unfortunate individ­uals.

5.)    Were there any wars?

Near the end of the Venire's first reign, a war erupted between the chimeras and humans. Dragons joined the humans in spirit, not actually immigrating or going to arms. Eventually, the humans got word from the southern dragons that the chimeras had a plan to cut through a valley in the Dragon Lands and use a few scattered islands as stepping stones to the Human Lands. Not being able to tolerate this wisp of gossip, they went into action immediately. They built a huge wall to stretch across the valley and block roamers from both ways. They also placed a building filled with human troops on the southern side of the wall to defend against unwanted chimera attacks during construction. Unfortunately, when they were more than halfway through building the massive wall, the dragons got word, and evidence, that the chimeras weren't practical enough to devise that plan, let alone carry it out. The intelligence was false. The humans abandoned the project and left the half built structure to separate the valley in half. They also left the human troops at that outpost to keep an eye on the dragons and in case the chimeras had a change of plan and came storming through the valley.

Just after the Venire regained control to be in office for the second time, the Half-Breed Holding Facility’s security measures dropped greatly, and the Halves escaped the isolated place, fleeing to the valley where the wall was built. The valley had been dubbed Qorum after the Half who had broken the others out of the HBHF. After some time, the humans and the Halves made a treaty so that they would assimilate and live peacefully on both sides of the wall. The government hadn’t checked on the humans in Qorum since the HBHF breakout, so the troops assumed the government would never bother to know.

The humans and dragons ended up winning that war, beating the rag-tag chimera army in two classic face-offs. The one in the Human Lands was cut off from society and the humans barley dragged themselves out alive after the dragons flew in to assist. The battle in the dragon lands was going very well for the dragons until a rogue chimera nearly wiped the out. Two anonymous dragons used clever tactics to take out the overlarge beast, winning the war for the dragons, allowing them the time to travel to the human lands to assist.

So that’s LaForza, huh? I feel like I’m missing something. Oh! Also, the stories Half and Half, Cloudless, Riot, 8012, and possibly this new story I might possibly maybe post eventually are on the planet. If I ever do post it, it’s probably gonna be called something like The Tale of a Traveler or whatever. I dunno yet.

Have y’all any other questions. . ?  I would absolutely love to hear them!!

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