Chapter 1- The day I had being waiting for.

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This was it. Okay it wasn't like my whole life that I'd being waiting for this moment, it was probably 18 months but I just needed my best friend. After a messy breakup with the guy who I thought I meant everything to a couple of months back there's only so many packets of Oreos you can have, before longing for a hug off your best friend. She was flying back today, her new-born niece is probably just over one year old now as she was the reason for her parents flying all the family over to Australia for a while to greet the new family member.

I woke up the sun hitting my face as though rendered me from a deep sleep. It wasn't like a girl waking up in the movies might I just add, my hair was a disaster, I thought I'd removed all my mascara last night but evidently not, I was pale usually but this morning I just looked Ill. I had a lot of time to kill before me and best friend were being reunited, I run down the staircase nearer to my door as apposed the the one nearer to my brothers room, I always thought it was good luck to go around and down that staircase nearer to his room but today I didn't need any luck. I was greeted by our chef when I ran into the kitchen. Not my father. Oh.

I run to the other end of the house to which to my surprise my brother is actually awake, it's 10 am and my brother is walking around, am I still asleep?

"Where's dad?"
I catch him of guard and he spins round suspiciously, like he's been caught doing something he shouldn't be doing.

My brother is the favourite man in my life, he looks after me, granted that we look after each other but I mean he's always there for me through everything. After my breakup with Adam he was there for me every step of the way, he was my substitute best friend, whilst my real one was off in Australia bonding with her rich but good looking family. Every time Adam tried to come back to the house my brother would literally hit him until he left, it made me wonder why he kept turning up, but then he stopped which showed I obviously wasn't worth the fight. My brother was my rock and the only one who kept me sane, I needed a father figure since ours is always out "bringing in the dough" hence why he wasn't there to greet me in the kitchen.

"NYPD station probably, since he loves doing his job more than his own children."
He replied in an angry tone which made me curious.

"Woah, harsh, but he deserves it, what's up with Mr I'm up at 10am?"
I can see a grin slowly picking up at his mouth and white teeth showing just a little.

"I think that's the problem, 10am what was I thinking?"
He plops down on the bed next to me and his weight seems to bring me up a little higher.

"Well seems like dad hasn't left us stranded here, the chefs downstairs, fancy breakfast?"
He nods at my proposal and we both slump downstairs racing at either sides of the staircases that meet in the middle to one staircase, I win.

All I can think about is the flight landing in the airport that carries my second family and best friend. I haven't told Seth yet about my best friends arrival because he's too busy shoving his face with poached eggs. I laugh nervously as he asks me what I'm doing today and I just can't keep it in any longer, I tell him about Lauren and her family all flying back and he just looks like it's a normal day. Predictable. He's too lost in his poached eggs to listen to me but I carry on anyway. I don't eat my breakfast as the nerves are too consuming but I don't have to worry about hurting the chefs feelings as Seth swaps his plate for mine once his is empty, thank you big brother. I like the fact that this table is glass, I can see my knees shaking uncontrollably with excitement when I peer through the table. After both plates are finished I run upstairs and find the clothes I'm going to wear.

I sit down at my desk with my mirror facing me I being to apply some foundation only a little because sometimes I think my paleness does me many favours, I go for the smokey eye look, after a little bit of mascara which is all my eyelashes AKA spider legs need, I walk into my wardrobe. I go for the light coloured skinny jeans with a pink top that clashes well with my skin colour and makeup, it hugs my figure nicely as I slip on my healed boots and a baggy cardigan to finish the look. I look in the mirror proud of the difference from now since the early hours of this morning.

I have lost a lot of weight since my friend went away, I wasn't fat don't get me wrong I was just always kinda chubby, dropping 3 clothes sizes I think was a big achievement for me and now my body is toned which is how I like it. After a I lost the weight the lack of greasy food did wonders for my skin and my acne almost disappeared and a couple of months after my braces were due off and my teeth were flawless, unfortunately my brother got the nicer teeth which I was always jealous off, after the changes I still felt the same kinda, I just felt like the same old Hannah, the extra weight, the spots and the braces always seemed to be there so when people started acting nicer it was overwhelming but never changed my personality into some stuck up teenager, I was just the same old Hannah.

I leave my bedroom and run to Seth's room sharing the money dad left on the counter for us both, he happily takes it and tells me come in whenever seen as thought dad won't be home anytime soon. I shout a friendly goodbye that echoes though the 10 bedroomed house with only 2 people living in it. I think a maid somewhere shouts goodbye back but I'm just too happy to notice.

I leave the house not looking back for a single second, I jump into mine and my brothers Audi as I know he won't be leaving the house today, it's a hot in New York and so it should be, I quickly go to Lauren's and mine most favourite baker, I pick up two lemon slices and return to the car with a few looks of some boys hanging around the coffee store just next door which just makes me feel nausea, how people can sit there and gruel over another human being in public is just degrading and makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I jump into the car just in time as my phone beeps, I pick it up reading a text from Lauren and I start to get even more excited than before a shriek leaves my mouth unwillingly.

Lauren: I home Han! Come quick I can't wait to see you! I have presents my friend.

Lauren and I have been best friends for as long as I remember, I've know her all of my life and she knows me way too well. Just as I do her I suppose, I class Lauren more of the sister I never had and she does me. I'm so glad to have her around again. I race to her house that's just around the corner from the bakers, but seems like it's takes me forever to get there. I pull up outside and grabbing the lemon slices and jump out of the car, I knock on the door even though I could just walk in and they wouldn't even blink and eyelid I just want us being reunited to be better.

The door swings open and to my surprise it's Blake that opens the door, I didn't know this at the time, my eyes were sealed with excitement and I jump on him expecting to feel Lauren's body underneath me, my cheeks start to heat up when I feel a lot more muscles than I planned. I pull away quickly and her older brother blushes noticeably and looks away.

"The first time I see you in 18 months and you literally throw yourself at me, nice to see you too Han."
His words cause my face to go redder and he laughs at my reaction.

"Oh give me a break, I was trying to figure out why Loz had got so muscly"
He's laugh at my humour and it warms my insides to know that we are still as close as we were before.

You see, Blake is absolutely gorgeous I must admit, every girl at school wants him so desperately and he knows that which makes his ego even bigger, but with me growing up with him I didn't think anything of him, he is very good looking but I don't see him in that way, he's always been the guy to cook me breakfast when I woke up before Lauren, he's the boy in school other girls want but boys do everything they can to suck up to him with everyone being terrified of his strength. I thought about all this whilst looking at my feet, I glance back up at to my surprise I catch him looking at me the same as the boys outside the coffee shop did, his jaw line looks like it would cut anything its that's sharp, the same jaw line that looks like it's hitting the floor, his partially wet blond hair hangs over his forehead sweeping down the sides and his blue eyes stand out against his flawless complexion and it looks like his muscles are trying to escape the tight shirt he has on that grabs around his abs. I notice all this as he drinks me up staring at me head to toe, what is going on? He realises I've noticed and scratches the back of his neck uncomfortably and steps aside I look around and the see the surroundings I had being wanting for 18 months, I run up into the house which just shows its size and beauty as I get further in, it hasn't changed with excitement hardly baring in me, I swing the door open to Lauren's door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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