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A/N: This is based on a RP i'm having with my friend. We are doing this on paper, so I may loose some. enjoy!

Tim sighs. Operator had called him to his office. Wonder what it could be this time. He pushes open the door. "Hello sir. You needed me?" Operator gave him a look, but he doesn't have a face so it was hard to tell what kind of look it was.

"Yes. I have recruited another proxy from the dead. It is your job to take care of him." Operator motioned to a dark corner in his office, Tim squinted to see.

Jay stood behind the tall man. "Who is he talking to?" Jay thought, trying to see around the tall man... was he a man... Jay remembered him not having a face. He tried to think of anything that he could remember... but there was just a giant gap in his memory. He tried to remember, but was pulled out of his thoughts at that tall... thing saying his name.

He saw Jay. JAY. No way. No- he's- he's dead? Tears welled in his eyes. "You aren't allowed to cry." The voice of Masky in his head echoed. Tim missed him so much... Does he even remember? Tim sawhis clueless expression. He stared blankly, not knowing what to do or say. He wanted to hug Jay, but would the Operator even allow that? He isn't allowed to have emotion. He stared, no blinking

Jay Looked at the tall man and then the other person. "A masked person?" Jay thought as he looked at the two figures trying to figure out what was happening, why the masked person was so... familiar. "Do I know you from somewhere?" Jay thought accidentally out loud.

"Jay- I-" Tim went to remove his mask, but he was stopped.

"Masky, show Skully here around." The Operator said. Tim then realized.

"Yes sir. Come with me," he sighed, "SKULLY."

Jay looked at the masked person trying as hard as he could to remember... he knows tat voice... where does he know that voice... where.. He followed the masked man, looking at him... Studying him, trying to figure out how he knew him... Finally he stood in front of him, looking him somewhat in the eyes... "How do I know you? I recognize your voice, but I can't pin-point it. How do I know you?"
Tim sighed, "It doesn't matter, J- Skully." He walked a little more, fidgeting with a pocket knife. JAY's pocket knife. Tim had taken it from Jay when he tied Jay up in his house... God he hoped Jay doesnt remember that. It took everything to not break down in tears, screaming "WHY DON'T YOU REMEMBER?" But he didn't. He walked glancing at Jay from time-to-time. He couldn't look for too long though.

"Why does he keep doing that?" Jay thought, looking around now starting to notice how much his body hurt. He stopped and looked at the masked figure, "Will you at least tell me who or what the tall thing was or why I can't remember a big gap of things in my memory?

A/N: I lost the sheet of paper with the next part in it. The other THREE. So uh- yeah. I'll figure it out later-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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