New school new faces

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Your day in a new school begins today you put on your nicest sweatpants and hoodie. You grab your backpack and for a quick bite chowdown on some cereal. 

" Have a great day sport" your dad says to you as he leaves for his new job. 

" Bye honey hope you have a great day" your mom says as she kisses you on the cheek as she leaves for her new job as well. 

You u[t your bowl of finished cereal in the sink and head off to school it's just a short walk to the high school nothing that challenging. As you walk you see someone wearing school clothes they have short black hair. You decided it's probably good to start to make friends so you greet them " Hi I'm new to the school who ar-" you see it's a girl she has pale skin and her eyes are a gray color almost white and then see the cane in her hand " She's blind" you say to yourself. 

she looks forward " S-sorry for being in your way" she said as she tried to find a different part of the path to walk. " I'm New to the school who are you?" You ask her while you walk with her. 

She keeps walking " I-I'm Amia" she says as she kept walking her cane making a pat sound to know where she is going. 

" Hi Amia I'm Y/N it's nice to meet you" you say as you enter the school its red bricks showing its age its old long fences showing erosion and then your new classmates who watch you like a hawk all of theirs look at you. Seeing all the new faces gives your heart a throb. Amia the girl you were talking to seemed to have vanished from your sight. you stand still as it seems your class mates tun their attention back to their conversations.

You take a sigh and hear the bell ring for the first period and head to class walking through the school felt similar to your old one but instead of white wall they were a patterned red and white concrete. you pull out your schedule and see your first class which was right in front of you as you reached for the door but hear a conversation " That blind girl still in the school she is persistent" you hear one of them say they had blonde hair and a red ribbon in their hair. You make it look like you didn't hear them as you pass them and open the door to the classroom.

The classroom was filled with classmates a giant chalkboard in the front of, A projector on the roof You find a seat and see the Amia the blind girl from earlier sitting down in the farthest part of the class you see a empty desk and sit next to her " Hello again fancy to meet you again" you say she isn't paying attention. 

You hear whispers from the other classmates you don't know yet. Your desk is slammed by a girl with a long blonde hair and a red ribbon her eyes a cobalt blue. " You're the new student right Y/N was it". " U-m yeah hi" you give a small wave.

" hope the others have gave you no trouble here yet" She says fixing the ribbon in her hair. " No no has given me trouble at all" you say as you sit down in your desk. The girl sits on the top of the desk "Names Kalle by the way I'm the popular kid here stick with me and you'll love it here" she says with a smile." You grab your backpack and grab your supplies for school work. " by the way if you need somewhere to sit at lunch my table is open for ya" she says with a wink as she returns to her desk. 

Class begins as the teacher stands up " It seems we have e a new student would you like to present yourself to the class" he asks as he motion you to the front of the class. " H-Hi I'm Y/N I'm from up North". "Welcome to my class Y/N I'm Mr.Stitcher." 

One of your classmates raise their hand to ask you something " What do you like" they ask you." Eh I like videogames, music, the sea and guitar" you notice Amia look somewhat towards you and smiles a bit. " That's very interesting of you now please have a seat." Mr.Stitcher says as he grabs a piece of chalk. 

You sit back down and look at the black board but feel someone tugging g at your sleeve it was Amia " You like guitar?" She says as as she turns her head to you. " Yeah I like guitar it's cool". " I like guitar too and I can play it as well" she says to you." That's awesome" you say to Amia and notice a bit of blush has grown on her cheeks. "R-really" she says to you with a smile. You feel your heart skip a beat from it. 

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