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     "Come onnn! I'll pay!" You begged, grabbing Kusuo's hand as you dragged him outside the classroom.

"[ surname ], I have cleaning duty." He groaned, trying to pull his hands back. The two of you barely hang out anymore, and you missed his presence.

Pouting as you stated, "To hell with cleaning duties! I don't have to train Aren today, so please?"

Kusuo clenched his jaw, a visible scowl was now planted on his face. "Then ask him instead." He muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Eh? But I want you." You tugged onto his sleeve, as you heard him sigh. He knew arguing with you would be pointless. You won't stop until you get the thing you want.

"Fine, you pay." He stated. You gave him a close-eyed smile, grinning proudly like an idiot.

     The two of you walked side by side as you made your way to the destined ice cream shop, 'Cold Stone'. Of course, Kusuo had to skip his cleaning duties for you. He figured he could just teleport back in the classroom once you're gone.

As you pushed the glass door open, the fresh and sweet aroma of ice cream greeted the two of you. It was cold inside, making you shiver.

You felt Kusuo place something over your shoulder. You tilted your head slightly to look as you saw his bluish-green blazer draped over you. "Thank you," you mumbled, trying to hide the blush written on your face, which you were failing to do. Of course, who wouldn't get flustered when their crush's scent is all over them?

You grabbed Kusuo's hand as you dragged him on the counter. "What do you want?" You questioned, glancing at the bunch of ice cream flavors—the [ favorite flavor ] catching your eyes the most.


"I think we can pick up to three flavo— WHAT?" Realizing the words he bluntly uttered, you stared at him in shock. Your eyes were wide, and your cheeks tinted red.

He faked a cough, slapping a hand on his mouth. "I mean, you pick." He explained, avoiding your glance.

"Okay then." You paused for a second, examining the look in his eyes. "Vanilla and strawberry, how about that?" You questioned the pink-haired, playing with a strand of your hair.

"Fine by me." He bluntly replied as he turned around. His back was now facing you. 'Is he flustered? Strange.' You pursed your lips, wondering why he was acting that way.

Upon hearing your thoughts, Kusuo repeated the question. 'Am I flustered? Strange.' He was acting weird, and he knows it himself. However, he doesn't know the reason why.

"I'll go get a vanilla and chocolate. Take a seat over there by the window and wait for me!" You beamed, pushing him slightly, but he didn't budge.

"If you're going to command me, at least say please." He grumbled as he turned around to face you once more, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms.

You sighed, you swore you could punch that man on the face if there weren't many people inside. "Fine, please wait for me. Happy now?" You responded, mirroring his action as you crossed your arms as well.

Scoffing as he questioned, "Why does it sound forced?" He paused for a second, eyeing you up and down. "Nevermind that. I'm just teasing." He added. Kusuo ruffled your hair, and his lips were slightly curved into a slight smile.

"I love you." You accidentally blurted out. His face changed from a happy one to a blank expression.

"I know that already, good grief." Before you could observe the look on his face any further, he turned around and walked away.

Pursing your lips, you wonder. 'Is he blushing?'

     Once you finally got your order, you went to the window side, and there, you saw Kusuo was sitting on a high metal stool. "Here's your ice cream!" You beamed, handing him the fancy cup of ice cream.

"Are you a regular here?" He questioned you in return, making you furrow your brows in confusion.

"Used to come here a lot with Tori, why?" You responded, taking the seat beside him. The pink-haired nodded in return, not saying a word.

A smile appeared on your face the moment the spoonful of ice cream touched your lips. The delicate taste of chocolate met your tongue. Although it tasted different, you didn't mind. It was still delicious after all.

Kusuo's headache, seeing something that terrified him—a vision of you collapsing in his arms. His eyes widened, his hands froze in the spot. 'What the heck?' He mumbled to himself, looking at you, who was eating peacefully.

"[ surname ], do you feel something weird?" Kusuo asked, grabbing your shoulder and holding it firmly.

You gulped at his question before slightly tilting your head from side to side. "Not really, why?" You spoke out, making the psychic sigh in relief.

"It doesn't matter." He bluntly replied before looking away to eat his ice cream.

"Saiki, you're acting weird, you know?" You giggled, your lips touching the sweet taste of ice cream once more. Kusuo shrugged the topic off, rolling his eyes.

     After a few minutes, Kusuo was the first one to finish the ice cream. He noticed your breathing got heavy, and you weren't looking like yourself. Boy, did you look like a zombie.

"[ surname ]?" He called out, making you flinch by surprise. You looked at him, tilting your head slightly to the side.

Your vision was slightly blurry, and your head was spinning. As seconds passed by, you were engulfed by darkness as you fell unconscious.

Kusuo's eyes widened. Fortunately, he caught you on time before you could fall to the ground. His brows furrowed, glancing at the ice cream then back at you. Using his free hand, he grabbed the spoon and licked it.

His mouth gaped, realizing what you've been eating the whole time was dark chocolate. 'Shit, I already used that ability on her when her legs were twisted.' He mentally grumbled, looking at your unconscious body.

Using telekinesis, he lifted both of your bags, and without any hesitation, he teleported from the shop to a nearby hospital. Kusuo didn't give even a single fuck when someone caught him suddenly disappearing. He can just erase their memory, after all.

'Getting caught is not a hassle. This idiot dying is.' He thought as he ran, making his way inside the hospital building.


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