All Wasps are mean to humans always trying to attack us but let's talk about Billie the nice wasp. Billie loves being in flowers and talking with the bees. But there was one problem the other Wasps gave him a bad reputation because,they would attack humans kill any insects those Wasps were just doing what a wasp would do. Billy wants to find a way to make the wapss be nice so he they don't make his reputation even worse. Billy was thinking on a flower and thought what if I make a weapon that makes all wapss nice. It's a hard task to go through and Billy worked on it all day on his flower until he had completed it (It just looked like a gun with a flower on end of it). As soon as the mean Wasps started attacking human and insects Billy used his weapon and poof they Wasps turned nice although he thought so because each of those Wasps ended up having a different personality. Billy didn't realise it thought he thought that they had turned nice and he went of to the waps hive. Once Billie found the wasp hive and flew there he used his strange looking weapon. Poof the Wasps had their own personality and that's when Billy saw it. Billy thought hmm this is alot nicer everyone having their own personality now they won't attack insects and human although maybe a few will ohwell. Billy went back to his favourite flower 🌼 🌸 and he went to sleep feeling sort of proud of the work he had done.