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Czar's POV

I just sat, staring at Liam's unconscious body, waiting for him to awake. It wouldn't be fair to kill him like this, while he couldn't fight back. Besides, I wanted him to see me.  wanted him to know that I was the one causing his pain, that it was me.

I heard the back door open and when I turned my head I saw Anderi walking into the house.

"What the hell are you still doing here?" He asked.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Zariah called me, and told me what was going on. I'm here to make sure you get out safe."

"No, go home, this is between Liam and I."

Anderi shook his head. "I'm not leaving, Zairah would kill me if I did. Besides, I don't think you'd really kill him."

I stood to my feet. "What exactly do you mean by that?" 

"Come on Czar, if you wanted Liam dead you would've did it a long time ago. There's a part of you inside that still sees him as you best friend." Anderi explained. "And that part is whats going to get you killed."


"I'm flattered....really I am." Liam groaned as he sat up, cutting me off. "Who would've thought that good old heartless Czar still cared about me after all these years."

I yanked him up his shirt and looked him in the eyes. "I couldn't give a shit about you. You destroyed my sister's life, caused her to kill out mother, tried to kill my wife, and scared your own daughter for life. This all ends today." I spat.

Liam laughed, "What I've done to you isn't even a fraction of what your sick father has done to me. He destroyed me, made me go almost insane, and I kept quiet out of pity for you, And how do you repay me? By killing my fucking girlfriend!"

"Shut the hell up." I shoved him to the wall. "You didn't care that much for her if you were screwing my sister." 

"I hate to interrupt you guys, but Czar. We need to get out of here." Anderi said. 

"What why?" I asked.

He pointed to Liam's hand. He was holding a small white controller with a red button and he smiled one. 

"He activated the bomb. " My eyes widen as I threw Liam to the floor and kicked him in the stomach. 

He groaned but grabbed one leg and kicked the other causing me to go down. Anderi rushed over to help me.

"Stay out of it!" I yelled at him and he backed away.' 

Liam and I broke out into a fight throwing punches back and forth at each other. I managed to push him off of me and gave him a few good punches to the face before pulling out my gun.

Liam groaned and looked up at me, his face swollen and bloody. "How can you call me a monster when your father is the reason I'm this way?" He asked.

I stood, with my finger in the trigger and the gun pointed towards him. When I looked at him I thought about all the years we spend together as friends, the adventures we went on together, the little petty fights that we had got into. My stomach felt uneasy.

~Flash Back (Age 10)~

Liam and I sat on the edge of the pool, eating our ice creams that we had just chased the Ice cream truck to get. I had vanilla and chocolate swirl while Liam had Strawberry. 

"I should have gotten two." Liam said as he licked his ice cream again. 

"You barley had money for one." I teased. 

We laughed and continued to lick our ice creams that were now melting down our fingers. The sun was blazing on our back, making us a couple shades darker. 

"Is that your dad?" Liam asked.

I looked in the direction he was pointing at and saw my father staring at us through the window. His eyes were on Liam, who scooted closer to me. I waved to my father who waved back before leaving the window.

"Hey Czar?"

"Yeah?" I said turning to look at Liam.

"Promise me something." He said.

"What is it?"

"Promise me that no matter what happens, you and I will remain friends?"

"Why wouldn't we?"

"Just promise me okay?"

"Okay, okay I promise." I said as I hooked my pinky with his.

~End of Flashback~

"Czar! Czar!" Anderi called. "We have to go!"

I snapped out of it and looked down at Liam who was now crying silently. 

"Just do it already." He said lowly. "Do it."

I could feel one single tear sliding down my cheek as I turned away from him before slowly pulling the trigger.


Blood splattered on me, and I dropped the gun, with shaky hands. 

"Come on let's get out of here!" Anderi said as he rushed to the back door.

I followed closely behind him and as we took our last steps down the stairs the house exploded. A wave of heat hit our backs and sent us flying towards the white fence that surrounded the house. We both landed with a thud.

"Told you we had to get the hell out of there." Anderi groaned as he rolled to his side. 

I rolled to my back and looked up at the sky. I felt....empty. 

I felt as if I had just did a terrible thing. I couldn't wrap my head around it and then I felt sad and tears rocked through my body.

I was...crying?

Anderi sat up and looked at me. "Czar, you did what you had to do." 

But that didn't stop the tears, that didn't change the way I felt. I closed my eyes and allowed for the sadness consume. And I laid there, crying like a baby for what felt like forever.


I think it's important to show that guys do cry too and that they can be vulnerable. I loved this chapter, even though it wasn't such a happy one. We have exactly ten more chapters to go along with the epilouge. I am so excited and sad at the same time. I love you all, don't forget to comment, vote, share, and follow.

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