Discord's music notes of life

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"Mommy! Listen to this!'  The little girl said joyfully, calling her mother over.  The mother was very frail and was mostly bed ridden.  The mother turned towards her daughter where she was by a piano.  "I'm listening..." The mother said very scratchy.  The girl started playing on the piano while looking p at a music sheet every so often.  The mother closed her eyes and smiled listening to her daughter playing her favorite childhood song.  The girl was done and turned to her mother very accomplished of herself.  "It..was great honey.." The mother said with her eyes lidded.  The daughter giggled and was very happy.

Suddenly in the other room there was a slam.  They only had a two roomed house due to being tight on money.  The daughter instantly knew that her father was back and peered around the corner to see what he was doing.  The dad turned around and looked at his daughter.  His eyes instantly grew soft at the sight of her.  "Hi, Daddy!" The daughter said in delight.  The mom didn't look pleased to hear him come home.  He walked into the room and picked up his daughter and twirled her around.  The girl laughed and the father put her down.  The father walked over to the mother and stood beside her bed.  The daughter held onto the back on the shirt of her father.  "Hello, Conti."  Said the father that wasn't really happy to see her.  "Rever...." said the mother in the same style as the father.  The two stared at each other for what felt like eternity to the little girl.

~Discord's P.O.V~

Mommy and Daddy stared at each other for a long time.  I wondered if they even liked each other?  They sometimes act like they do but, i'm smart and I know that they don't really like each other!  I sighed and stared at daddy.  He looked towards me in a confused manner, he must've heard me.  was my sigh that audible? "Whats wrong sweetie" Daddy said and picked me up.  I changed to subject and asked "Do you wanna hear the new song I played?!"  I asked excitedly. "Lemme hear it!" daddy persisted.  The let go of his clothes and went to the piano.  Mommy's expression sounded like it changed to glee.  The thing is, I could always hear people's emotions in the form of songs.  I looked at the sheet of music and imprinted it in my brain. I put my fingers on the keys and started playing the keys. 

I didn't look away from the piano or the sheet of music.  It was very subtle but daddy sounded like he was happy for me.  I finished my song and turned around to see the face of my parents.  I expected them to look happy for me but, daddy wasn't.  Mommy was happy, Daddy wasn't, it was mommy's favorite song and they didn't like each other that much. I looked down to my knees, to scared to look back at daddy.  I heard him walk away and I looked up to my mom.  She smiled but then started coughing.  I ran to the other room and went to the kitchen.  I turned on the pipe and got a bucket. I put water in the bucket and ran to mommy.  Mommy drank some and started to heave a little afterwards.  I turned to daddy to see him making something in the other room, not caring about mommy's situation.  I got really mad and threw the bucket at him on accident.  Once it hit him and splashed water all over him.  I held my hands over my mouth in shock and terror.  Daddy looked towards me and looked even more mad.  I ran to Mommy's bed.  Daddy ran after me but, I crawled onto her bed and was in the windowsill.  I tried to open the window but couldn't get it open.  Mommy turned herself and helped me a little.  The window opened and I ran out almost as soon as daddy could catch me.

I ran to the huge castle ahead of me.  I was able to get near the doors of the castle when a guard picked me up.   The guard held me and asked "Why are you in these parts little girl?"Also, where are your parents?".  I crossed my arms and looked away from him. He sighed and started walking towards the castle.  He went inside from the secret entrance for guards.  He took me to the head guard.  "There was this little girl running to the castle and wont tell me why".  He held me out and gave me to the head guard.  The head guard held me and asked "What is your name little one?" I looked up to him and told his my name..or well tried. "Disc....I don't remember the rest.." I looked down to my knees which were in his arms.  "Well, why are you here?"  He asked.  "Daddy doesn't care about mommy and I got mad.." I said in guilt.  "Why don't we go back home and I can talk-"  I cut him off "NO!"  I started crying.  He looked shocked. "Well Why not?". I didn't answer.  my tears calmed down and I looked at him.  "I'm sorry but I have to bring you back"  I looked down and the head guard started going through scrolls and books, looking for my records. He found a name similar and asked me if it was my name "Is your name Discord?"  I nodded in response.  He looked through my records and found out where my house is.  He picked me up and we walked back to my house.

We got inside the house to find mommy laying in her bed sleeping and daddy wasn't in the house.  I walked inside and sat on mommy's bed.  "Where's your dad?" The head guard asked.  Mommy quietly said "He..Isn't coming...back..."  I started to cry again and the head guard picked me up and held me.  "I'll pay for your mom's medicine and I can take you back to my place"  I didn't want to leave mommy alone but she agreed with the head guard to take me in.  I was able to stay at the head guards house and I think mommy got better and she married the head guard so now hes my dad!  I was very happy at his house and enjoyed it better than my old life.

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