▪︎■ 24 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

"And it's really safe, si?"

I seperated my gaze from the car and gave Nicolas a questioning look. His brows furrowed. It was evening now, only a few hours left with the little sunlight before the moon would take over.

"You want to know if it's safe for her to drive?"

I do, don't I?

"I have to drive with the car, Nico. I don't want to end in a pink Porsche because you did a miserable job." I flicked my cigarette away and blew the smoke through my lips. 

"Then you have nothing to worry about... The tire is brand new, only the best of course. If you really die inside this barbie mobile then that's on... you." He gestured with his hand that held a fresh, unlit cigarette and pointed to me, to empathize the 'you'.

"Good," I stated before taking his cigarette, opening the door and the window.
"Hey," he protested.

She hates the smell of smoking...

I got inside and held the arm with the cigarette outside the window- even while lighting it, driving with one hand on the steering wheel, taking a drag every now and then.


By now I knew the way to her property without any help. I took the car a few days ago to get it repaired and spontaneously decided to drive it to her home personally, to thank her for her caretaking. And to silently apologize. It were only a few minutes, anyways.
The car passed the entrance and came to a halt at the open garage.  

Not quite safe to leave the doors open but the guards would do their jobs, I guess.

I took the keys and opened the door.
Suddenly a loud noise teared through the air and made me lean back into the seat. It was earth shaking and my ears felt like someone stabbed into them with a rusty knife.

When I was sure it was over, I opened my eyes. A part of the building was destroyed. The roof partly collapsed, smoke leaked into the sky.


I ran toward the door with a few guards behind me, who had a longer way to reach the building than me. Automatically, I pulled out my gun, soon meeting the smoke and dust that clouded my vision the moment I entered the complex, where the explosion must have happened. Using my Arm to roughly protect my lungs from the thick dust cloud I was walking through, I called for Ms. Moreno.

There was a possibility that whoever placed the bomb would still be here, so I just called her name one time and instead tried to make my way through broken furniture and crushed walls to find her without screaming the whole time, doing nothing anyway other than pulling the attention of an potential enemy to her and me. The next room would be her office.

As soon as I removed the broken door, I saw the big desk and a body on the floor. I rushed into the room, recognizing her right away. My heart dropped. Calling her name, I got on my knees and eyed her, preparing for the worst. She wore the same clothes but besides this, nothing caught my attention. She wasn't bleeding except for the little wound over her eyebrow again. Her eyes shot open and she visibly had problems breathing.

"Bianchi?" Her voice was raspy and she immediately began to caugh after my name left her mouth.

"Easy, easy," I said when she shot up, holding the back of her head. The woman looked at me in panic, pure horror displayed on her expression.
"Is everything okay, are you hurt?" I felt the panic rising inside my chest again.

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