Parker's house

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We were at the door of Aunt May house, a bit weird for me given that the May I know lives in an apartment in Queens. Peter clearly had doubts about being here to start, even trying to flee after ringing the bell, only to be pulled back by Gwen. Speaking of which, Gwen also was nervous but hid better than Peter, given that EDI had to warn me about Gwen's heart rate, I sighed, this was likely because of her Earth's Peter, there was nothing I could do to her other than be a friendly presence. The door opened to reveal a much older May than I was expecting. She and Peter were having a touching conversation, from what I gatter the roles were reversed in Peter's earth, May was dead and he was alive, when she finished with Peter she looked at me with some cold curiosity "Stark? Didn't expect you here" I lifted my visor "I'm not Stark or an alternative version of him, my name is Y/N L/N, I also come from another dimension" May seemed relieved from hearing that it appears that Tony from this dimension is kind of a dick.

"How did he build that without anyone figuring it out?" I asked out loud as we descended into the spider-cave? "You know, I think it is best not to question, just flow with" Miles said but was also questioning the same thing himself. "Fair enough, but not gonna lie, this is a pretty sweet secret cave" I said, both Miles and Gwen agreed but Peter just mumbled something about having something better in his earth and EDI pointing that it was most likely a lie making all of us laugh. "So where are the other spiders you mentioned Aunt May?" Miles asked, a rough voice interjected "That would be us" a black and white spider-man with a fedora showed up "Why is he in black and white?" Miles questioned "And where is the wind coming from? We are indoors" Peter added "Wherever I go the wind follows" the Noir like spider-man said with a dramatic voice "Hi! I'm Peni Parker" a young Japanese girl with a mecha, she had a fucking mecha, what? "And I'm Peter Porker, Spider-ham, my hands are wet from washing them, no other reason" a cartoon-ish pig showed up with his hand extended. I notice that all the Spider people seem to instantly recognise one another as they all said in unison "You're like me!".

After a short explanation of everyone's backstory and how they ended up here the Spiders started to drill Miles "Whoa guys! Take it easy he just got his powers" I tried to deescalate the situation with Peter joining in trying to get the other to ease up "Alright! ENOUGH!" I shout, getting everyone's attention, "Look, Miles just started in the Spider thing, he will have his moment, like everyone here had, so just chill out, Miles ..." I looked to see that Miles was leaving while invisible, I let out a sigh "He's just going to cool his head Y/N, you will see" Peter said with optimism "Yeah, sure, just thought you guys went a little too hard on him, that's all".

After some time later we were all back in May's house. "Hey, Peni, think you can help me put my suit back to 100%? Being running it on spares till now" I asked the little genius "Sure! Would love to mess with old Stark tech" I'm pretty sure Tony just flinched at that, wherever he is. "Ok, EDI can help you out, I'm going to do some rounds around the group" I said leaving the suit and EDI with Peni. "So, is this purple?" Noir asked pointing at a rubix cube "No, Noir this cube doesn't even have the color purple init" Ham replied clearly annoyed "Uhm, do you see everything in shades of gray?" I asked Noir "Pretty much, why?" he asked, lowering the rubix cube "Because then you can tell which color is which using a Gray scale table."Like this one." I showed him my smartphone "Fascinating!" Noir said with excitement "You gotta be kidding me! You had this all this time and didn't show him! I've been telling him that stuff isn't purple for hours!" Ham facepalmed himself hard enough to leave a mark. I left the two to check on the other two spiders. I caught Peter and Gwen, clearly having an awkward conversation "Yeah, you died on my earth, it''s good to see that at least you lived somewhere else" Peter said sadly "Same here, so let's watch each other's back, what do you say?" Gwen said giving Peter a sad smile "Can do" Peter responded with a sad smile of his own. I decided that it was better to leave them to sort that by themselves. With nothing else to do I made my way to the front door just to watch the neighborhood using the moment of peace to think about how things home must be, I just hoped they were alright.

After a while Peter called me back "Y/N hey, uhm, there is a problem here" he was looking worried, "What problem Peter?" all of them had worried looks on their faces "Uhm, guys, what is the problem?" I was starting to get worried myself "Y/N, we can't find your Earth" Peni said "WHAT!" I was starting to panic "When I rebuilt the goober I started to see which Earth everyone belonged to, Peter is from 616. Gwen from 65, Noir from 90214, Ham from 8311 and myself from 14512... yours it just says unknown" I was at a lost for words "Y/N we will find a way" Gwen said putting a hand on my shoulder "Maybe, it's just feel like I'm bound to die no matter what, guess that the price for saving the universe" I said bitterly while sitting on the couch "If I may" Aunt May voice broke the dreading silence in the house "How exactly did you 'die' previously?" Right, didn't tell anyone the details "I acquired 4 infinity stones, stole them from Thanos during the battle, I knew I was going to die or at least be extremely hurt from using those stones, but I did it anyway, had a universe to save and all that, use their power to destroy the stones, give everyone there a last fighting chance, the stones where Time, Space, Realty and Soul" I answered truthfully. Aunt May was thinking something, she look at me win a thin smile "Maybe, the stones change your native reality" she suggested "What do you mean" everyone was looking at May waiting for a explanation "You were moved through time, as you arrived a week prior to yours in your timeline, space as you landed on another place on earth and you change realities, the only stone that is missing is the Soul" I'm starting to understand the whole Aunt May is the brains of the Parker family that Peter usually said "Well, so I just need to find my soul? Easy right?" I attempted to make light of the situation.

Miles haven't returned yet and the other Spiders were getting anxious, Noir was complaining something about dames and what not, Ham was staring into a comically oversized wrist watch and tapping his feet with such speed that I'm pretty sure I started to feel the smell of pork being cooked, Peni was triple checking my suit systems with EDI out of sheer boredom, Peter was watching TV but wasn't staying in any channel more than five seconds and Gwen... where was Gwen? I look around the house not finding any sign of her. "Looking for something?" I heard Gwen's voice coming from above, looking up she was on the roof, sitting with her knees pressed against her chest "Just found who I was looking for. What are you doing up there?" I asked, crossing my arms "Believe me if I said that I do this even before becoming Spider-woman, just to, I don't know, think, relax?" She shrugged while letting one of her legs hang freely from the roof "Yeah, I can see you doing that. I used to do something similar way back when, but more secure, fear of heights" I said letting out a chuckle at the memory. I suddenly heard two 'twips' as Gwen web me pulled me to the roof, I let out a squeal of surprise "Hey! Little warning next time" I half-shouted while Gwen merely laugh "And where is the fun in that?" she asked with an innocent smile. I shook my head with a smile sitting next to her watching the scenery and feeling the soft breeze of the wind. I was brought back from my thoughts by Gwen asking "So, still afraid of heights?" I could see she was planning something, 'Alright Gwen, I will bite', "Not much, definitely feel less when in the suit, why do you ask?"she stood up extending her hand "Want to go for a swing?" She asked.

I was holding tightly to Gwen, trying not to fall. "So, what do you think is better, flying or swinging?" She asked between swings "It's definitely different I will say that, a lot less speed and a lot more spins" Gwen giggled a little "Ok, we are almost there ... and ... there, back at Aunt May house!" She landed back on the roof with grace "That was... not going to lie, a bit scary, but overall awesome" she smiled at my answer "Glad you like it" she said pulling her mask off "Take many people to swing?" I saw her smile shrink at my question "No, haven't done something like that since ,,, well since I decide to stop doing friends" she seem hesitant to answer that but I could also catch the underlining of what she said "So, guess that makes me your first friend after you stopped doing friends" I said with a teasing tone. It got the desired effect, she let out a chuckle and the smile came back "Oh, already thinking we are friends? No, no we are still in the uhm Spidy-to-maybe-be-friends list, you would have to receive the approval of Lord Murderface to than be my friend and I heard that he is a very picky cat" Gwen teased back "I will have to book a appointment than" I joked back, we both laugh and fell into a comfortable silence while watching the neighborhood from the rooftop, neither of us saw Peter watching us from the street with a smile of his own.

Aunt May eventually called everyone back inside to eat, Miles was still out but Peter was trying to ease everyone "Relax guys, I'm sure Miles is going to come through that door reinvigorated and ready to fight Fisk!" as if on cue Miles bursted the door open and swiftly closed behind him "See, told ya he was coming back" Peter beamed "My...Prowler...He...I..." Miles was trying to say something between wheezes of breath "Prowler...Prowler is my Uncle and he is working with Fisk!" Miles said with despair "That is a hardcore origin story" Noir said getting up from the couch "Were you followed" Peter quickly asked "No I don't think I was" Miles answered before one of Octavias tentacle arms bursted through the window "I think I was followed!" Miles stated the obvious. It didn't take long before it became a free for all between the spider gang and the villains.

"Quick question, why a scorpion? Couldn't you choose something more, I don't know, menacing?" I quipped while fighting Scorpion "Stark! I will end you! Cabron!" I blasted him through the roof "Gee, no need to get touchy" before I could continue my fight with the oversized stinger Gwen showed up kicking him on the chest "Hey, find your own dance partner Spider-woman, no need to steal from your friends" I joked "Sorry not sorry! I will leave a I.O.U letter!" she quipped, quickly returning to the fight. I looked to my right only to see Prowler ready to kill Miles, without thinking I blasted Prowler on the back a split second decision that ended up saving Prowler's life as a bullet zipped through where once was him, I looked only to see Fisk himself had shoot to try and kill Prowler, and was stopped from mere seconds later by Peter. Unfortunately Fisk managed to escape Peter and quickly make a run for it. I was about to give pursuit but was stopped by Ham "Oi! Tin man, little help here!" Ham was pinned down by some debris and Tombstone. I flew down one punching an already wounded Tombstone and helping Ham get out from underneath the debris "Thanks for the help Tin man, thought I was about to become barbecue back there" he said as he dusted himself off.

The fight didn't last long after that and the spider gang was waiting for the cops to arrive with the exception of Miles he vanished as soon as the fight ended at a guess he probably was processing the hole 'My Uncle is a super villain and the first one I fought'. Meanwhile the rest of the Spider gang was deciding who would stay behind so that the others could go home, so far Peter was the one to volunteer saying that the other had something to comeback to "I can stay, not like I know where my universe is, your earths still need Spider people, my still has it's Spider-man" I said piping up "No, look, we will find your Earth, your just a kid, there still a lot of time for you to grow, me, I already made a mess of everything, so I'm staying" Peter countered "No Peter, I'm already dead back home, no point in sacrificing yourself and I doubt we have the time to look for my Earth!" I let out a sigh looking at the other spiders, Noir agreed with me, Ham and Peni were on the fence and Gwen was conflicted. "Look Y/N, this whole mess is a Spider one, we have to fix it, it's just ..." I cut him "You don't want anyone else dieing on you, none of you want that ... I'm just ... I'm just proposing the exit with the least impact on this multiverse thing" Peter relented "I... ok, you won kid, let's just make sure Miles knows" He said and quickly started to swing, the other spiders following suit.

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