Can You Be My Valentine Still?

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Meredith laid comfortably on her chest fast asleep, her light snores filling the air in their dimly lit room accompanied with the whistling sound of the wind outside from one of those February winter storms. Addison watched her as she slept, the blonde's features completely relaxed, with the small smile which seemed to be etched into her ever since they had started their relationship. It should bother her, being up at such an ungodly hour, especially after their long shifts at the hospital. But then, seeing Meredith like this, safely tucked into her with her head to her chest and her arms wrapped around her made her not care at all.

It hadn't always been like this though. They had a phase when being this close would turn them into a puddle of nerves. She chuckled softly at memories of their beginning, their awkwardness and idiotic smiles at very inopportune times; as their minds wondered to one another. At the beginning, only their closest friends had known they were together, to avoid the onslaught of gossip and judging eyes in the hospital.

Cristina had found out first of course. However, it wasn't because Meredith told her it was because they had gotten caught in one of their heavy make out sessions. Mark found out shortly after and kept complaining to Addison about not being told when he was her best friend. To counter the argument she brought up Lexie, which seemed to shut him up. However, the looks and teasing that came after was unbearable so a few weeks later they announced it to the world. Callie, Arizona, and Alex all had similar reactions, saying it was to be expected when even after Archer's surgery she had stayed. Bailey only gave them one of her no messing around looks but seemed ok with it. While Richard was beside himself and congratulating them when he found out.

Everyone seemed happy for them. Well, almost everyone. Derek hadn't taken the news well. He had made Meredith's life a bit of a nightmare at the beginning until Addison had put him in his place followed by Bailey. The fear the short resident could instill in anyone was wondrous to behold. A few weeks went by with Derek not speaking a word to either Meredith or her, which didn't bother her. Slowly he came back to his senses, especially since he and Rose had gotten back together. Nowadays, Addison and him were totally fine, they were back to being friends though she ensured Meredith and her were never left alone with him to avoid unnecessary drama if any should arise.

In the end everyone had been happy in one way or another. The gossip and the judging eyes died out quickly too as people moved onto other drama within the hospital walls. They could now walk around the hospital holding hands or kiss each other goodbye or hello without anyone batting an eye. It was just the way of Seattle Grace.

Meredith's shifting and mumbling brought Addison back to the present, it seemed she was having that nightmare again. The blonde refused to talk about it and she wasn't one to push. She knew Meredith would tell her when she was ready. For now, she'd make do with gently coaxing her awake. After a little nudging and softly calling her name the blonde sprang up quickly, breathing heavily.

"Hey. It's ok." Addison said softly and sat up with her.

"It's ok." Meredith breathed out.

"It is." Addison gave her a small smile and rubbed her back. "It's snowing." She added after a while as Meredith's breathing evened out a bit.

"Sh-should we open the curtain?" Meredith muttered.

"Yeah." Addison smiled, getting quickly out of bed to open the curtain and then hopping back on. "I'm back." She grinned.

"Did I wake you up again?" Meredith asked, biting her lip and her eyes focused on the snow falling outside.

"I was actually awake being an absolute creep." Addison chuckled lightly shuffling over to where the blonde now sat with her back to the headrest.

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