Someome I Once Lost (Chp. 1)

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My name is Madison Midler (mad.e.son) (
I'm currently 16 going on 17 in 5 weeks and I just made out with Justin Bieber...
Ok, ok I sound VERY crazy so I might have to rewind to about seven years ago.
When Justin and I used to be best friends as well as the wonderful nose picking age of nine.
Madison's POV (Nine years earlier)
"Justin!" I called out, pass the ball!
"Not a chance LOSER!" Justin said as he pushed passed me with the football.
I was a tomboy when I was younger, actually still am. I loved playing sports with my three best friends in Canada, Ryan, Chaz, and Justin. Every afternoon we would go out to the soccer field behind my house and play every possible sport known to man for hours upon hours each day. The three of us were inseparable until we reached our early teenage years, that's were our trouble began....
Justin's POV (Age 13)
"Who the fuck is that Madison!" I said as I almost punched the dirt bag in the face.
I always had a thing for Mads maybe ever since I was younger, well maybe, I don't know! But now she's dating an idiot who's 16 years old, smells like trash and looks like it to. Ryan's dating some girl who's a year older than us, Chaz is in and out of realshionships daily, and I have a girlfriend as well. Yes, I know that what Madison does is none of my business but I'm just trying to look out for her.
"Justin I don't need your crap today, ok?" She said as she looked me straight in the eyes with a "don't push me" look on her face.
"I just don't know what you see in this guy, OK?!? He looks like trash Mads you deserve so much better!" I didn't care if the doosh-bag was standing right in front of me I had to say what needed to be said.
"UGH I FUCKING HATE YOU JUSTIN BIEBER GET OUT OF MY LIFE YOU DUMB-ASS" she took her "boyfriend" by the hand and led him out the door.
Ryan's POV
"Dude you need to talk to her" I said with concerning eyes.
Justin and Madison haven't talked in weeks. Justin hasn't had the time to tell her anything because he's getting somewhere with his career or something like that. He told me his videos on YouTube have been going viral and he isn't sure what's next for himself. All I can do is support my friend even if I don't want to see him go.
Justin's POV
I'm leaving Canada today! This is crazy because this guy named Scooter Braun saw my videos on YouTube and I guess he liked them! He says I'm the new talent, that I'm the "soon to be It Kid". So my mom and I are flying out to Atlanta today, and I think we will be living there for a while.
I haven't talked to Madison in weeks, I haven't even said Good-bye, besides me saying a few selective words to her boyfriends face. I mean I also egged her house out of anger, made all of her friends hate her because of something else she did, as well as me lying to her boyfriend telling him she was making out with some other guy. And before everyone thinks I'm mean, she did her wrong to me too, first it was her throwing me into a freezing cold lake here in Canada, then breaking up with MY GIRLFRIEND over text, as well as embarrassing me in front of the whole school (long REALLY EMBARRASSING story)
Well I can't be bothered now. So long Madison! See you.... Maybe never😂
As for Ryan and Chaz I will try to keep in touch as much as I can.
So how did you guys like it?
Was the beginning good? Bad?
Idk you tell me.
Oh! Also make sure to follow me on my social media:
Twitter: zarzar_12
Instagram: jdbfacts1994
(I have more Social Medias Btw I will share them later)😊

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