Chapter 7 : Breaking it up

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That afternoon, I went home and ate. I actually asked Eli to come over earlier than usual, so I can talk to him about what happened with Kenny.

Once he got to my house, I asked him what was happening in the guys bathroom. He hesitated alittle but, looking kind of ashamed of what he did.

"I just warned this kid about Cobra Kai. I didn't want him to end up like the rest."

"But.. I heard a slam. Like a bang."

"He was about to hit Bert and Nate, I didn't want him to risk it. So i slammed him against a stall and warned him."

"Aggressively?? Eli, that's what pushed everyone away in the first place. You have to let that go!"

"I wasn't being aggressive!" He yelled.

I flinched.

He was getting frustrated. I kind of just stayed silent and looked away.

He sighed.

"Look, I was only trying to warn him about Cobra Kai. You saw what it did to me. What Kreese did to me..."

I looked back at him.

"I understand, Eli."

We stayed silent for alittle, but I broke the silence.

"That kid you warned, his name is Kenny. He's like, my best friend."

"Wait. You're best friends with a 'Cobra Kai'?"

"Yes, but I was friends with him before he joined. He was the 'new kid' and he was getting bullied. He was sweet and cool. I never thought he'd be "Cobra Kai Material""

"Wait.. you're not in love with this kid, are you?"

"What?? No!"

"Okay good. You're way too young for that."

I giggled.

And then, it was time to go.

We immediately stopped talking about it and we got ready to leave.

We got in the car and Eli started to drive.

"So.. Miyagi Do, huh?" said Eli.

"Yeah.. I think so." I answered.

"Cool! Just don't go soft on me." he said, lightly punching my shoulder and smiling.

I giggled.

"Hey, I'm sorry for raising my voice at you earlier today." he said.

"It's okay, Eli." I responded.

We got to the dojo and got to work.

Once we were done with practice, I went right to Eli. Him and his friends were talking about something, so I stayed back until they were done.

Once they separated, Eli came up to me.

"You up for a drive in movie tonight?" he asked.

"Uh.. sure!" I said.

"Cool, we're all going. I can take you."

"Okay, Let me just text my mom."

I texted her, making sure it was okay that I went. She approved, so I was totally in.

We got to the movie, and it was pretty packed. There was also tons of snacks, so I decided to get some for myself.

Then, I saw Kenny.

He was carrying a bunch of snacks, struggling to hold all of it.

I was about to go help him, until I saw someone bump into him, making him drop all of his snacks and drinks.

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