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It was morning and the dwarves having breakfast were sharing concerned looks. Jungkook was not quite himself today, smiling at his meal, blushing for no apparent reason, and cackling at random every now and then. The uneasy glances confirmed they were all silently wondering what was up with the young one.

None of them, however, expected the answer to come down the stairs, humming a happy tune nonetheless. Taehyung had been so busy lately it was a shock to see him grab a plate and help himself to some of the warm porridge, as if he hadn't been a ghost for the past few weeks. The dining room went silent.

"'morning," said the hunter to no one in particular, voice raspy and hair dishevelled.

None, however, paid any attention to his do — or lack thereof. His latest outfit, which Jimin had finished a few days ago, suited him like a glove, showing off his broad shoulders and his slim waist. Taehyung hadn't bothered to button up and Hoseok gasped at the sight of bruised collarbones.

As he passed the young raven-haired dwarf who was watching him fondly, the hunter leaned over to peck him on the lips, holding the boy's chin up with his slender fingers. "'morning Kookie!" he chanted with a smile, as if this was the most ordinary way to greet someone in the morning.

"G-good morning Tae."

Hoseok was the first one to react. And object. "Hey! How come he gets a kiss?"

The very flustered Kookie dived into his plate to avoid having to reply because he was aware of his inability to presently think straight, not when all eyes were on him. And not with Taehyung cosying next to him, oblivious to the awkwardness in the air.

Jimin opted for small talk to break the sticky silence. "Taehyung! We haven't seen you in a while. Did you sleep well last night?"

Out of all the questions he could have asked, Jungkook wondered, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"In truth, I didn't get much sleep."

Why oh why was Taehyung so blissfully unaware of the pointed questioning?

"Is that so? Do those have anything to do with it by any chance?" Hoseok motioned toward his spotted neck.

Looking down at his own bare skin, Taehyung finally noticed the marks drawing everyone's attention to them, and screaming for an explanation. Memories of the night came flooding back. It was no use biting on his lips to try and hide the grin that took hold of features. "Kookie and I talked a lot last night."

Jungkook's cheeks puffed as he realized Taehyung was ready to spill it all.

"So you two must have got to know each other better overnight." Namjoon had always been good at double entendre.

Springing up from his seat, Jungkook gave Taehyung the eye. "Come on, Tae. Let's go check on Moonshine."

The hunter hurriedly finished his food before biding everyone a wonderful day, smile as bright as ever.

༺ 🍎 ༻

"I don't think they need to know everything." The young dwarf kicked a pebble on the ground, uncertain his roommate would understand what he meant by that.

"Why not? Did we do something wrong?" Taehyung's question was genuine.

"No! Of course not! But I like that's it's only between us. Makes it — special."

Gently lacing their fingers together, the older took a breath. "I really enjoy the taste of you," he confessed before swallowing the lump of guilt that had lodged itself in his throat. "I'm sorry if kissing you in front of the others made you uncomfortable in any way. I'm just so happy right now, the happiest I've been in a long time. My heart tries to leap out of my ribcage every time I look at you and I want the whole world to know how you make me feel, and only now do I realize how selfish this was of me—"

Selfish was the last thing Jungkook thought of when it came to Taehyung. "You're not selfish, Tae. And I'm no expert, but I believe what you just described is called — love."

Out of all the vocabulary acquired in the course of his princely studies, love was indisputably the one word which had always managed to sound both familiar and foreign at the same time. Taehyung had never been quite convinced of its power to trigger wars in its name. However, watching Jungkook stand there with eyes open wide, lips parted as if ready to drink from his own, hands pressed against his chest where Taehyung was sure they could sense the pounding of his blissful heart, made him realize he would no doubt fight Hector of Troy himself if someone ever tried to take him away.

Could love truly be that easy and carefree? Was he even worthy of love at all?

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