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"Solar! Solar!" there was Thorn, searched for Solar around Tapops.

He only found Blaze and Cyclone in his way. Blaze noticed him first.

"Thorn! Whatchu doing?" Blaze happily waved at him as they approached him.

"What's up with the long face?" Cyclone gave him judging face.

"Where is Solar? Something happened in his lab," Thorn with his worried face.

"I think everyone went to mission or something this morning but let's check out his lab," Cyclone ignored his worries and dragged them both.

They arrived at his lab. There was something door lookalike inside of the lab.

"I never saw this project before as I often visit here," Thorn pointed out.

"That's weird?" Blaze looked up and down on the said project.

"It's more look like a portal door for me," Cyclone wanted to touch it but Thorn stopped him before he could.

"Nothing's weird about this. Probably Solar just bought this. Let's get out-" Blaze found himself accidentally pressed something on the project.

Cyclone and Thorn immediately had horror reactions on their face as soon as Blaze slowly disappeared into a thin air whil the said project started glowing. They panicked, tried to find a way to stop it. Even Blaze was panicking, he held them as he was scared and no idea what to do.

There was Solar, returned to his lab after he went out. He noticed something suspicious though as soon as he entered his lab.

"Hmm? Something feels fishy here. Why there was big print of long rectangle on the floor? Probably must be those three's doing," Solar shook his head and went out to look for something to clean it up.

"I probably or probably not should report this to Quake," Solar had his evil grin in his mind as he walked away.

There was Angin in his early 20s, who was out for his mission today. Petir messed up a little bit yesterday because of his temper so their young leader, also known as their youngest brother Tanah had to replace Petir with Angin. Angin sighed as he forced to take care of Petir's mission today.

"Upan, Upan. You found it yet?" Petir suddenly could be heard in his small communication device on his ear.

"Hali, I can't believe you call my code name as Upan instead of Taufan," Angin giggled at that.

"Shut up because you sulked at me and I have to use that way to get your attention. How's the mission? Gempa wants a report," Petir checked the time, it was 5 in the evening. The mission will be paused at 6 if Angin hadn't completed the mission.

"You know... I understand why do you throw a fit yesterday. This mission is annoying and I haven't done anything instead of patrolling around," Angin let out a groan at that.

"A mission... Wait, what's that in front of you?" Petir adjusted his screen as he found something unfamiliar, even though it was not related to their mission.

Angin suddenly stayed cautious. Petir was true, they both suddenly spotted a big grown vines as this building finished like weeks ago. Angin immediately took out a dagger instead of gun as he wanted to cut the vines.

"Eh? Halilintar, what's the sudden silence?" Tanah entered the room, Petir didn't mind to pay attention as he instructed Tanah to come over.

Tanah nodded at him and went to see the screen. He also unsure about this as this was actually not natural at all. They all pretty sure this building exactly finished like weeks ago.

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