🦁 Chapter 69

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Ace smirked at the girl, matching the daring glint in her eyes, and the upturned quirk of her grin. "I see now. I like how this is going."

Deuce chuckled and elbowed his friend in the side. "Leave it to Y/N to come up with a brilliant plan."

Cater looped an arm around Y/N's shoulder. "Then I'll be running around and getting stuff done until the end of the day." He leaned down to whisper in Y/N's ear. "And I will see you~ tonight, N/N."

Y/N rolled her eyes and pushed Cater away with a single finger on his nose. "Yes. I will see you tonight. In Diasomnia. I'm counting on you Cater, so make sure that you don't screw this up. We can't have anyone trying to figure out what we're doing."

Cater nodded and turned to Jack. "And? Now that you've heard Y/N's plan, what'll you do, Jack? You out?"

Jack shook his head. "No. I'm staying in. It's not a cowardly plan, so I'll help you out... this time."

"Wonderful," Y/n said. She ignored Grim's unnecessary comment about how Jack seemed dishonest. "So everyone is clear on the plan?"

Everyone nodded and she dropped the charm protecting them from unwanted ears. 

"Let's go home," Ace groaned. "I'm so beat."

Y/N grimaced and pinched her nose, stepping away from the boys as soon as she could. "Make sure you all take a shower today. Running around and fighting did not do you boys any favours."

Riddle nodded and stepped up beside Y/N. Y/N was thankful that he smelled a little cleaner than the rest of the boys. 

"By the way, first years. Since it was in the name of gathering information, I will overlook your breaking of school number six, 'personal fights are strictly prohibited on school grounds', but next time it will be off with all of your heads, understood?"

Everyone said that they were sorry and left it at that. Even Jack, who seemed a little bit hesitant about apologizing nodded and said that he wouldn't do it again.

"Well then," Riddle said, "Let's head back to the dorms. We will see you later, Y/N."

"I thought he looked like a weakling," Jack muttered, watching as Riddle lead the Heartslabyul students away. "But the dorm head of Heartslabyul is terrifying."

"I know, right," Ace whispered as he passed. "He's easy to mistake for a hedgehog, but he's actually got the quills of a porcupine. It's best not to disobey him."

Y/N smirked. "Ace has learned that first hand. Haven't you?"

Y/N and Jack waited until everyone else had left before heading off, heading in the direction of the Hall of Mirrors. Both would be heading to Savanaclaw under the alibi of Y/N studying for History of Magic with Jack in his dorm.

The day of classes had come to an end once again and the sun was setting by the time they made it to the Savanaclaw mirror. Both Jack and Y/N stepped through, thankful that no one on the other side of the mirror could get mad at Y/N for coming back to the dorm when it wasn't her own. 

As soon as she entered, her uniform shifted into the one that she had been wearing a few days earlier and she smirked at the band around her arm. She fit in perfectly now. To add one last effect, she pulled her hair back and out of her face, hoping to slip through the shadows, undetected by the other students.

"Leona and Ruggie will probably be talking in the lobby now," Jack whispered. "Or they will be soon. I'm going to head to my dorm and you can pass through the lobby. Try and hang in the shadows for as long as you can. The sooner they notice that you're there, the quicker they'll send you to my room to study. Okay?"

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