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Grey Parker,

She was in the bathroom scrubbing her teeth rid of her morning breathe, "Ew, I look so ugly." She croaked looking at her messy hair and dark under eye circles in the reflection of the mirror.

Ashtray slid into the bathroom wrapping his arms around her waist before putting his chin in the crook of her neck, "stop sayin that shit" He told her  kissing her cheek, she rolled her eyes. "but I look gross." She groaned.

"What did I say" he grumbled. "You look amazing"

She leaned down pulling her hair back spitting the foam out into the sink before wiping the rest of the tooth paste off the corner of her lips. "Liar." She murmured walking drowsily away from him straight into his room she got so used to sleeping in his room that she barely ever used her own of course to get her clothes but not for much else. She plopped down on his bed grabbing her phone off the charger, "what stupid shit y'all do last night" Ash asked, walking into his room and coming to crawl beside her.

"What makes you think we did stupid shit?"

He chuckled grabbing his own phone, "because I know you."

"I did not do anything I was a very class young lady-"

"Md." He deadpanned.

"I robbed a store." She admitted with a slight humorous tone she could see her boyfriends phone drop out of his hands, "you did what?" He asked seemingly amused.

She cleared her throat. "No regrets." He rubbed his temple. "You can't just rob stores." She sat up reaching for her water bottle and Tylenol having the worse headache. "Did you get caught?" He questioned she thought that was the most stupidest question he could ask being she was sitting in front of him but answered.


He nodded firmly going back to scrolling on his phone. "Good enough for me" he mumbled.

The door opened, "Hey fez." She smiled, "hey Kid, I came to tell y'all ima handle the business today." He informed the both of them they glanced at each other, "What?"

"Ima handle today as In like a— I don't know. Free day." He shrugged, "free day?"

"Yeah ya know take a day off or whatever"

Ashtray scrunched up his eyebrows. "When do we ever take day offs?" He questioned. "Since now." He checked his watch, " I gotta go open up the store I'll be back later today don't kill each other." He told them before closing the door.

"guess we have all day yo our selves." She smiled scooting over to him the boy sit up making room for  her sit on his lap pulling her in. her hands automatically went to his neck while his went to her waist enjoying the tight embrace, "What will we do?" He asked his lips brushing over hers, she shrugged innocently, "no idea." She murmured with a smile a placing a quick kiss on her lips before she pulled away getting a thought.

"Ooh! I know!" She said eager. "What?"

She dropped her hands, "Ill be back." She told the boy running out into the hallway she ran into her room swiping a few different face Masks off her dresser and a few other Spa treatments before running back with her hands full in his room."Spa day!" She announced his smile immediately dropped. "No."

'Spa day' was always something she wanted to do when they were just friends but he would say no because in his words it was, 'too girly' but now that they were dating he had no room to argue with her.

"Cmon Ash please!" She exclaimed, he shook her head sitting back on the bed, "Noooo-"

She took in a deep breath. "Ashtray please! Just this once!" When he stayed quit she moved to the bed laying herself on his chest with her chin laying on her hands. "Please." She said shortly but still no response so she tried something that usually made him fold.

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