The Death or Quitting Fighting Tournament or TDOQFT

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Hey there D-Fans Welcome to The Death Or Quit Fighting Tournament separated into other Chapters

I am your announcer Dbroha hear With my other Announcer my girlfriend Annabelle

Annabell: Nice to be here Dbroha

Dbroha: Chapter 2 Is Sonic Vs Atomic Betty

Annabelle: Chapter 3 Is Tails Vs Luigi

Dbroha: Chapter 4 Is Bat-Man vs Spider-Man with Standard Equipment and no prep time

Annabelle: Chapter 5 Is Cream vs Amy

Dbroha: Chapter 6 is the winners of Chapter 1 and 2 against each other

Annabelle: Chapter 7 is the Winners of Chapter 4 and 5 against each other

Dbroha: And Finally Chapter 8 is the winners of Chapter 6 and 7 against each other in the Finals

Dbroha: Is you Ready D-Fans

D-Fans: We're ready

Dbroha: Okay Let's get on with it!

Atomic Betty was relaxing until she heard a Explosion

Atomic Betty: I better go find out what that is

Then when she got to the site of the explosion

She saw a blue Hedgehog

Sonic: Now I can finally relax

Atomic Betty: Stop right there Criminal

Sonic: I'm not a criminal

Then Atomic Betty Tries Shooting him with a laser

But he dodges the laser thanks to his super speed


Atomic Betty then tries to her marital art moves on Sonic but sonic kept dodge with his super speed

Atomic Betty: Hold Still

Sonic: What's the matter you're too slow

Atomic Betty then just got mad

Atomic Betty: Ugggh stop taunting me

Sonic then lands his combos of spinballs and spindashes and martial art moves

on Atomic Betty

Sonic then kicked Atomic Betty's head and cracked her skull

Sonic then punches Atomic Betty's leg and cracked her leg bone

Sonic then spindashes Atomic Betty's Rib Cage and crushed it

Atomic Betty then throw a bomber at sonic and it detonated in his face

But then Sonic Punched Atomic Betty's back and cracked her back Bone

Sonic then Broke Atomic Betty's ankle with a punch leaving her stunned


Sonic then Chops Atomic Betty's head in half with his spinball


Dbroha: Ohhhhh Sonic won with a devastating Fatality

Annabelle: Atomic Betty Is Eliminated

Dbroha: Let's get on with Round 2

Tails was working on a invention until he had a bang

Tails: What was that?

Tails: I guess I am going to have to investigate

When Tails got to the location of the bang he saw a green plumber

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