Chapter 1

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It was a normal day for Y/n!

Key words being was!

You are Y/n a server at a not so legal gambling den. Aka a laundry mat. You work here because of your father's debts. The bastard bet you and your siblings in a game. Thankfully the boss of the local mob found your father's actions disgusting.

Bruno Gaza was in no means a good person. He has the blood of hundreds connected to him on his hands. He robs good people and beats those who dare look at him wrong. The one thing he dose have is respect for tradition and old fashioned ideas. 

So a man betting his kids was disgusting In his eyes. 

When he won the bet he shot that no good man that called himself my father and took me and my two siblings under his wing. You could be a red light street walking whore, instead your here serving drinks to the same games that damned you. 

You are reminded of this daily by your brother Ricky the Pen your brother a made man who runs the games. He is a hundred percent loyal to Bruno and will not tolerate bad talk about the man. He calls the shots here.

Now your probably wondering what a normal day is for you? 

Well it depends on the sport but right now it's baseball season and the underground betting scene is a buzz about the Giants. You only barely pay attention to the sports. You just keep the drinks coming. Normally the "friends " that spend their time here sit and watch the game betting on various things. Some are cool like Louie a guy who runs the waste disposal business.  Others outright scare you.

Rossi as they call him is a crazy fuck that always makes your blood run cold when he talks to you. You heard that he skinned a man alive. You don't wish to know if that was true. You just keep the booze flowing. These people and their associates will make their bets, watch the games while shooting the shit, and collect their winnings and settle their losses in the end.

What made today different was the appearance of Bruno himself and a shit ton of mobsters. You felt real uneasy as this was risky as hell. Having so many made men in one place was strange. They don't normally do this. You couldn't help but wonder what was happening. 

The gaggle of well dressed men spoke in whispers all around you as you went from table to table. They always spoke quietly around you. For your brother's and your sake. Information was at the need to know level and you didn't need to know.

As you wondered  what was happening you were caught off guard by the door being forced open and a group of men six in total dragging a giant blue bunny robot into the room. The room went dead quiet as the well dressed men dragged the bot over to Bruno's table.  The boss looked over the bot and took another swig of his beer. The men escorting him looked roughed up. That included Rossi who took the lead. That man could fight. This was something you knew well it was rare to see him roughed up.

The rabbit wasn't in any better condition as he clearly sported bullet holes and several gashes in his casing. He must have fought hard. They all did.

"What did I tell you boys!" Bruno turns to face the blue rabbit as he sat on his rather badly damaged knees. "The crazy bitch is legit!" He turned his gaze to Rossi. "Look at you. You got your ass beat by a rabbit ment to sing to children!" Bruno chuckled at Rossi who smiled back. "The blue balled bastard is no joke boss! That lady was right! He could be very useful to us!" Rossi wad impressed. That was something you didn't see every day.

"This here rabbit took two of our boys to the hospital! It took all eight of us to get his stupid metal ass here." Bruno thoughtfully leaned back into his chair as he takes a puff from his cigar. He blows it in the rabbit's face as he addresses the bot. "What is your name robot?" The bot didn't react to the smoke. "Bonnie!" It says with a rather squeaky voice. The whole room laughed. "Rossi you got your ass kicked by a squeaky mother fucker!" Bruno says nearly choking on the smoke his cigar. Rossi smiled back he knows it's  all its in good humor. Their a family after all. 

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