Salad Days Chapter 1:

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It is not too early for Jiang Shen to go to school. At the age of 7, he is still helping the farm work at home. Their family is in a town under the county, and each of them has contracted farmland and fishing grounds. Many children like him did not go to the city to study at the age of eight or nine. Wild dogs, even preschools in town can't control them.The Jiang family is also different from other villagers. It actively responded to the national call. At that time, it only gave birth to the son of Jiang Shen-the key is actually that the family is poor, and they can't afford to bear more children.Mother Tan Lingling used her brain to send Jiang Shen to study in the city after the New Year. His father Jiang Luoshan was not active."It's time to cut the wheat after September." Jiang Luoshan carried the water basin to the bed to wash Tan Lingling's feet. "Shen Zi can help."

Tan Lingling was not very happy: "It would be nice if he didn't make trouble, the dog wouldn't be as happy as him all day long."

Jiang Luoshan: "Don't you have to go to the city to deliver food every week? He was very useful at that time."Tan Lingling didn't speak. She pulled out her red feet from the basin, wiped them clean, and climbed onto the bed. Jiang Luoshan made up with *shielded keywords* The rest of the foot wash was also soaked for a while, and only taken out after it was completely cold Go to the yard and dump it.When I came back, I passed Jiang Shen's room and glanced in, and found that the child was still reading the villain's book.Of course, Jiang Shen also found his dad, and it was not that the comics were hidden in his hands, nor was it not.Jiang Luoshan sneered: "Do you still want to sleep."Jiang Shen nodded, and carefully placed the "Doraemon" which he rented for a week for pocket money, cleverly said: "Sleep immediately."Jiang Luoshan hummed, "If your mother sees it, she will tear you the book."Jiang Shen didn't dare to refute. He covered his quilt and closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. After he hadn't moved, he dared to drill his head out. After thinking about it, he put the comic book under the pillow.Tan Lingling got up early the next day, and she wouldn't be idle during the weekends. She had to pick fresh vegetables and send them to the city. Jiang Shen also knew that, so when she heard the movement outside, she crawled into sleepy. stand up.When Tan Lingling entered his room, she saw her son's sweater with half-closed eyes and a languid expression."Don't wear this one." Tan Lingling rolled over thickly. "It's cold in spring, and it's freezing outside."Jiang Shen's obedient "Oh," he changed the sweater and went out to brush his teeth and wash his face.Hot water Tan Lingling is still burning, Jiang Shen can't wait, direct cold water will be just fine, brushing your teeth is OK, when you wash your face, it is cold and straight, and rushing into the house and waiting for breakfast. 

Tan Lingling said helplessly: "What are you in a hurry? Don't be spring soon, your face still has frostbite."

Jiang Shen drank porridge and said vaguely, "No," Tan Lingling turned to take the Baique that he usually wiped, and spread it on his son's face.

The two packed up and prepared to go out. Tan Lingling took more of the food, half of which was carried by Jiang Shen. There was a bus from town to the city. The 3 yuan per person was included in the cost. Tan Lingling told her son not to doze off in the car and crushed the bamboo shoots, got out of the car, and bought a bag of big white rabbit toffee stuffed into Jiang Shen's cotton-padded jacket pocket.

"It's a bit boring for a while." Tan Lingling walked across the street, and to the north was the largest cultural palace in the city. "Don't run around when you get in, do you understand?"

Jiang Shen held the sugar on his tongue and smiled: "Understood."

The double-holiday of the Cultural Palace in the city is really lively. People like Jiang Shen who run from small to big mud can see it once and feel new. Tan Lingling does not know what it is, and can give dishes to several fixed teachers inside. Running up and down a circle, Jiang Shen's eyes were dizzy.

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