Against the Grain

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Chapter One

Glaring at the bread dough, Grey stood back and adjusted his hair net up with his forearm. He hadn't been given quite enough yeast to make the bread rise as it should, so it wasn't going to have his trademarked fluffiness, but that didn't matter anyway. This dough was an experiment. He had been hoping to find a new recipe, one that would stay fresher for a little longer, long enough that it could be made the night before and still taste like it was fresh from the oven in the morning. Alas, this recipe did not seem to hold the answer all bakers sought.

A hand clapped Grey on the shoulder, and he jumped hard enough to knock over his container of flour. Grey scowled at the counter to cover a curse, while a voice behind him boomed, "Take Levin dinner in his room." Grey glanced up and saw the sweaty red face of Head Cook Rupert. Grey counted floor tiles, his gaze so focused he was surprised that the floor wasn't on fire. It wasn't part of his duties to take food to people, but it was well past his usual hours so he wasn't working on any actual assignments, and this bread wasn't going to be served to anyone anyway.

Grey pulled his hair net off and grabbed the tray for Levin. Staring at the tray in his hands, Grey forced his feet forward. The faster he got this delivered, the faster he could get his station cleaned up and head home.

Grey bent his head as he walked, hair falling into his eyes. He glared at his hair and flicked it out of his face. It was long enough that pieces of it brushed his hips as he walked. Grey wished every day that it was short, but he didn't have the knowledge to cut it, so he had to wait until his next bonus to go get it cut. For now, he would make do with the braids that kept falling apart in the intensity of the kitchen, no matter how hard he pulled at his hair before coming to work.

Levin's rooms were at the other end of the mansion, where few ventured without a purpose. Grey entered a crowd of business people in a hurry as he left the back staircase to go to the one that led to Levin's rooms.

As Grey approached Levin's door, he heard a raised voice; someone was having quite the tantrum, and of course it was happening where he needed to deliver this food. He slowed as his mind flashed through all the possibilities of who Levin might be arguing with. None of them were good, and most of them ended with him jobless before the day's end, which meant he would be homeless not too long after that. Grey's steps faltered, but his other options were rather limited, so he pressed on.

Stopping in front of Levin's door, Grey rested his forehead on the cool surface, gathering his courage. He drew in a breath and knocked. A deeper voice called for him to enter, the other person not stopping in their tirade. Grey pushed the door open, praying to the fates that he wasn't about to lose his job.

In Levin's room, a man with an absurdly red face was on a diatribe, half-screaming at a shorter man. Grey knew that the shorter man was Levin, but he had no clue who the taller man was. The man said something about how he deserved more than to work for a spoiled brat as Grey set the tray of food down. Levin mostly shook his head and tried to get a word in, but the other man didn't give him a chance to speak. Grey edged toward the door, hoping for a painless escape so he could return to the kitchen and maybe salvage the rest of his day.

The man seemed to be nearing the climax of his rant, his voice growing louder and louder with each word. Spittle was all but flying from his mouth as he edged farther and farther into Levin's space. Just as Grey put his hand on the door handle, inhaling with relief at the nearness of his escape, the man slapped Levin across the face.

Levin stumbled backward and Grey cursed, leaning his head against the door. He couldn't leave Levin alone now. It wouldn't be right, and Levin's father would fire Grey for sure if he found out. And Grey needed this job, enough to stomach the confrontation. Grey heaved a sigh as he released the door handle, fingers already trembling, and walked over, stopping between Levin and the man. "Hey."

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