Little Directions ~ 1D Fanfic

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3rd person POV

A battered, and worn out young woman walks with her young daughter to the park. To a passerby the woman looks normal, just in a hurry. The young woman is cautious and is constantly looking around for unwanted eyes or attention. She hugs the child close to her chest knowing she won't have much more time with her baby. She walks quickly, on the verge of tears, her baby will soon, no longer be hers. The note is clutched tightly in her left arm and her right arm is supporting her child.

Her decision was out of pure protectiveness and only wants the best for her child. She cannot take the baby with her for her job is dangerous, she hopes someone will take in the baby and keep her safe.

She has no choice; her baby could be hurt, if she keeps her much longer. Someone may hurt the baby and force her to be a slave just like her mother. Some say the young mothers job makes her a monster, ruiner of marriages but in simple terms she's a prostitute. The woman who sells her body to men. The baby is a mistake, a beautiful one, but still a mistake.

The frantic mother reaches her destination, the park bench. She sets her sleeping baby down, the baby with only a nappy, and a tiny onesie on. The young woman sets the note on her sleeping baby, hesitantly kisses her baby for the last time, and walks away with tears streaming down her face.

A/N Okay guys sooo this is my new story. You may have noticed I deleted almost all of my other stories, there is a reason behind it. I deleted them because i have decided to put my focus onto 1 story. And well, this story you are reading, is the one I shall put my attention to. Sooo yeah thanks for your time, the first chapter will be up soon.

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