Chapter 13

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I had cried myself to sleep that night.

Scratch that, I just cried.

I couldn't catch a single wink of sleep that night and I knew that I would regret it when we went on the expedition.

Despite everything happening around me, I was still Humanity's Second Strongest.

Even if I had endure watching Levi and Petra, I have to be at my best.

So I tried, but I failed the next day after.

- -  Next morning - -

"Good morning." I said to Oluo, Eld and Gunther.

Their eyes all widened in shock as they saw me.

"What the hell, Y/n? You look like you came back from a fight." Gunther said as I lay my head on the table.

"Hangover." I merely muttered out as Oluo's eyes widened in shock.

"Hey? Where'd you get a drink from?" Oluo started attacking me verbally, asking if I had any spare as I shook my head.

For one day, I can be "hungover" but starting tomorrow, I'll be back. I promised myself.


I was walking back to my room, shuffling like a zombie.

"Captain Levi, I have something to tell you." Petra's muffled voice said as my eyes widened, and suddenly I was wide awake.

My stomach fell to my toes as I held my breathe, hovering outside Levi's room.

I couldn't hear anything else after that and I clenched my fists together.

I felt bad, but I was too curious.

Crouching down and leaning against the door, I listened silently.

"I like you! I have for a while, sir!" Petra said as my eyes widened in shock.

She really did it. I already knew Levi's answer to her feelings.

But now that I think about it... they were a good match weren't they?

Petra was a sweet girl and Levi was a stone-cold hard man.

It must be true, the saying that opposites attract.

But Petra... she would made Levi happy. 

If Levi likes Petra then he should be with her, because it makes him happy. It'll make him smile, won't it?

I sighed, ready to go back and get myself together but the door opened as I leaned on it too much and I fell on the floor of Levi's office.

"Ow." I mumbled but my eyes widened in shock as I sae Levi and Petra kissing.

It was a brief second and they had pulled apart, Petra red as a tomato and Levi had cold fire gleaming in his eyes.

"Sorry, there was a rat." I mumbled before looking at the two of them.

"I apologise for my intrusion and I will keep it a secret. Congratulations, Petra." I said, smiling at her, turning around before they could see the tears in my eyes.

"Y/n." Petra started but Levi grabbed her.

"It's fine, let her go." Levi said with a cold tone as I hurried away.

Locking myself in my room, I sobbed into my sheets.

So for the next few days, I tried avoiding the two of them as much as possible.

As happy as I was for the two of them finding happiness, it was pretty darn painful to see the two of them.

Because I would catch the small smiles Levi sent to Petra, and it made my heart ache.

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