❝i wanna be famous: part one❞

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the host was grinning brightly as he stood familiarly in front of his camera man, the show was about to air live. of course there had been some technical difficulties...but it's not like the cast didn't take their sweet time waiting to arrive. perhaps they just didn't want to be here, but who wouldn't want to be here with chris mclean? the answer may surprise him yet his ego will never change...and that's something to be sure of. he cleared his throat, "ahem? testing...testing. is it..." his voice faltered as his words drifted off and faded slowly. "okay, right! what's up everybody! miss me? you know you did. you all know who i am but just in case...it's me, the host with the most, the one and only chris mclean! back after one year presenting you another season of your favourite reality tv show...total drama! luckily for all you die hard fans out there, i haven't aged a bit!"

his gaze was still as excited as it was back on the island...yet his smile seemed to be less sincere...but more genuine than the recent seasons. he continued to speak clearly, "this season will, if you couldn't tell already, take place in a jungle! we have built specific areas tailored to bring back your beloved memories of our show. for example...we have a cozy platform high up in the trees with a campfire and log stools built in! nostalgic, right? the elimination method...you'll get to be...escorted...kindly by our new and improved boat of losers! take a cruise down this gentle, soothing river and feel at ease even though you got backstabbed and betrayed!" chris slapped the boat a bit too harshly. it wasn't really 'new and improved', just repainted so it looked that way. of course chris wouldn't spend money on a boat made for losers after all. he continued after coughing and spluttering from the blanket of grey released after he slapped it. "...anyways, the elimination platform is all the way up there right? so how will they get down?! a ladder maybe? no, you poor thing, allow me to enlighten you! look at our original vine of shame! man, i'm so good at making names."

"now how about we introduce our beloved campers?! give it up for tyler, our klutzy and somewhat athletic jock! naive yet kind hearted, will he be able to survive and maybe even win this season?" 

upon his introduction, the camera panned to tyler, who was clutching onto a flimsy zipline dearly. as it swayed rapidly, he landed with a thud into an uncomfortable position. "woah, you okay?" chris blankly asked, only to receive a groan as the brunette helped himself up. "yeah...i'm fine. i think?"

"well i mean, you're no chicken after all. of course you're fine!" the host patted his shoulder gently, the obvious implication resulting in tyler widening his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows. "anything to say to the fans back home?"

"...i guess i'm siked to be here? i mean, it's gonna be cool seeing everybody again considering my last appearance was total drama world tour. i heard that the seasons after that were pretty bad though...so maybe it was for the best. whatever, i'm actually glad to be reunited with all my friends, i definitely need to make sure we stay in contact this time!" he smiled bashfully at the camera only to be met with a rude awakening. "okay time's up! now it's time to introduce beth! our awkward, dorky gal with a pure soul yet some kind of backbone! a very weak backbone...but it's still there! she stood up to heather and tolerated duncan in total drama action, both hard things to do!"

the camera switched to the brunette fumbling on the zipline. her legs were bent upwards into some kind of sitting position as she held onto it. after all, she was using her girls scout skills from memory, a completely reliable source! she should be fine...she hoped. as she neared the ground, she pushed her legs forward and wedged them into the mud. dusting herself off with a proud toothy grin, she walked a bit too close to the camera. "erm...hiya! i'm beth, heh, and um...i'm kinda nervous but also positive about this new season! so root for me back home, will ya? i promise to do my best!!" beth pouted, stumbling backwards and doing a small wave to tyler, who returned it with a warm smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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