The Lochness Monster

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Hi, my name is Bella and I am a Lochness monster. Today I will tell you my story. It all started on a dark and stormy night. Many animals were in trouble due to a flood. A rescue worker named Jessica said, "I'll get the baby creature!" When we arrived at the rescue center Jessica asked, "What is this creature?" Her assistant Sam said, "It is a Lochness monster. I did research on them. They are really rare to find." "Wait. I remember now" Jessica exclaimed. "Oh yeah. We had one named Claire'' Sam stated Jessica said "Yup." So, she raised me and named me Bella. One-day Jessica brought me to this weird place. It was wet. She said, "this is the ocean where you will live someday". We kept going to the ocean. After a few days she noticed I was bigger, so she built me a bigger pool. I lived there. After that we went back to the ocean and we saw some dolphins. She said to me" These are dolphins." I went to play with them. Jessica knew that I was going to play with them. As I was playing with them, I did a flip in the air. Jessica laughed when she saw me. She said to me "I knew a Lochness monster, her name was Claire. She was a good Lochness monster and the first Lochness monster we had here. I miss her a lot."

A few weeks later I was released. Jessica was very upset. She cried all day after I was gone. I met a lot of new animals. As I was in the ocean, I found another Lochness monster. The Lochness monster's name was Sammy. Sammy and I were good friends. One day I told Sammy that "I was going to leave for a little bit." Sammy asked, "Can I come?" I replied,'' If you really want to come."

So, Sammy came along. I told Sammy that we were going to the rescue center where I grew up. When we arrived there, I told Sammy to come to the big pool, and he did. When Jessica went to the pool to clean it, she gasped when she saw us. She asked," Is it really you Bella?" I replied," Yes, it is Jessica, and I brought a friend. His name is Sammy." Jessica gasped and asked me puzzled," You can talk?" I replied, "Yes I can talk." Jessica said, "I will be back" So, Jessica left to go get Sam. Jessica said" Sam come quick you have to see this!" When Sam came he gasped when he saw me and Sammy. Sam asked, "Who is this?" Jessica told Sam it was Bella's friend Sammy. Sammy said" Hi. You must know Bella?" Sam replied "Yes I know Bella. She was here when she was little". Jessica told Sam that I could talk. We stayed for a few days and then Sammy and I said" We have to go now." Jessica asked, "Will you be back Bella"? I replied" Yes and I will bring Sammy".

After that day Sammy and I went to visit Sam and Jessica a lot. The next day Sammy and I did not go visit Jessica and Sam. Instead, we went exploring. As we were exploring, we found a lost Lochness monster. She said "I am Claire. Who are you guys?" So, we introduced ourselves as Sammy and Bella. "nice to meet you guys" replied Claire. Later that day we showed Claire my old home. "Claire this is my old home" I told Claire. "Cool can we go in" Claire asked. I replied "sure" so the three of us went in. Jessica and Sam were at the big pool and they saw us. "Hi Sammy and Bella, who is this" asked Jessica and Sam. Sammy replied "This is Claire. Jessica was shocked "Is it really you Claire?" Claire replied "Yes." "Sam, Claire is back" Jessica said to Sam. I asked, "you know her?" Jessica replied "Yes" She asked" you do not remember her?" I replied "no." So after a few hours of talking I said, "We have to go."

We continued exploring. We played with the dolphins. One-day Claire said, "I have to leave and go to my family sorry bye." Sammy said, "I have to go to my family to sorry I will miss you." I said sadly to them "bye." So, they left, and I cried. A few years later, when I went swimming, I saw Sammy and Claire. They were at the rescue center. I gasped and ran to them when they saw me, they said excitedly "Hi Bella." I asked, "what have u been doing all these years?" Sammy said'' we found out we were related" I asked shocked "Really?" Claire said, "Yes and u are also our sister." I was so shocked I yelled "REALLY!!!!!!!" Sammy and Claire said at the same time "yes." I was so happy that I started to cry. I made Sammy and Claire cry happily also. I thought "mom and dad would be very proud. I wish they were here. I am so happy right now." So, we went to find Sam and Jessica. When we saw them, I saw that they had a new Lochness monster. I was so scared to go talk to them. When we approached them, Jessica said '' hi Bella" Sam said "hi" also. I was so shaky that I said "hi" to them softly. They said, "it is okay Bella do not be scared. '' That helped me. I asked Jessica crying "do you still like me?" Sam came up and hugged me then he said, "Of course we still like u." Jessica asked, "what made u think that?" I replied'' well you have a new Lochness monster here." Jessica said, "I know but we would never replace you. You will always be our little Bella even if you are not little." Sammy and Claire said'' we all have big news" So we talked, and Jessica and Sam said, "Wow so u guys have always had a relative near."

After a few hours we said bye and when we started to leave the new Lochness monster yelled "Stop." I stopped and stared. The Lochness monster said, "My name is Nellie." I was confused but I replied" my name is Bella." That is my story I made a new friend named Nellie. Nellie was even Claire and Sammy's friend. We played and talked for many years. I had fun telling you my story I hope Nellie can share her story with you guys.

The End  

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