End Of A Long Summer (chapter 4)

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Mirabel POV

After our first heavy encounter with the enemy, Sergio decided it'd be better if he taught me everything he knows. He may not show it verbally, but he is really affectionate.

Thankfully, things were more peaceful and quiet at the camp. We woke up with the sun, and stood guard at night. Replacing eact other every night.

"Come on, we don't want to miss training."

I heard Sergio say from outside. I quickly grabbed my firearm and catched up with our troup.

The training ground was a good hour walk from our base. Everyone had plenty of time to wake up, if the constant whistling of the supervisor didn't already wake them.

When we arrived, we were split into two person groups. The older and more experienced helping train the younger ones.

"Now shoot."

I shoot a bullet. However, it didn't hit the target.

"Point it more upwards. And don't constantly rearrange your position."

"Easier said than done, Sergio."

"You're forgetting that I can shoot a target without missing."

He ended up having to show me several times over after that. Getting more and more irritated at my faliures.

After what seemed like forever, I finally got it right. I was pretty tired, but nonetheless prout of myself.

Who would've thought that this will be my passtime after leaving. Don't get me wrong, it is certainly not a good passtime to be in an army, but my efforts were atleast appreciated.

I also heard, that we would be getting new young recruits. I didn't know what they were like, but i was exited to see more people my age. Seeing as I didn't exactly know people my age there.

The quiet walk back to base in the wet autumn weather was somewhat calming. You could hear the birds chirping and the wind blowing through the trees.

When we arrived, I saw some people talking to the supervisor about the new recruits. I decided to listen in to their conversation. Maybe they'll say something about them.

"The recruits should arrive in the evening. Five older adults and three kids. We couldn't fit them anywhere else. We don't care what you do, as long as they become good soldiers."

Said a bulky man, with his hand raised while speaking. Slightly bowing when he finished his report.

" Great. More kids, like there weren't enough. I don't get why they would think of sending them to war. I know we're short on soldiers, but we can't be irresponsible. Your dismissed Herald."

Our supervisor had a look of irritation and worry on his face. The Herald bowed down and went back to guard the gunpowder containers.

I didn't have more time to think about this matter as loud whistles were heard. We had to hurry to get our lunch. Not much, but they had to give us something other than just sending us out to hunt.

As exciting it was to catch our own food, not everybody was lucky enough to get full with it.

Today we got some boar meat and potatoes. Some roasted vegetables on the side. I didn't really examine what was on my plate. I either ate it or went hungry till most likely tomorrow.

After lunch, we had time to dust our clothes out or patch some holes on it. Some people played chess, while others just talked. For a small camp in the middle of a war, it was really calm.

In the evening, just as the Herald has said, a chariot arrived. With the new recruits, and some raw materials.

As the people got off, I eagerly watched where were the kids. To my dissapointment, they were the last ones to get off. Though, it is understandable. Any kid would be scared if they suddenly got drafted here.

Finally, I was able to see them get off. The first was a relatively small boy. He looked really young. He had light brown wavy hair and greyish brown eyes. He was wearing a pretty light blue ruana.

After him came an older girl. Slightly taller than me. She had light brown hair as well, with dark brown eyes. Her clothes were a bit torn up, probably from the rough ride here.

Lastly came a very shy looking boy. He looked just a tad bit younger than me. He had black curly hair and creamy brown eyes. However his most noticable feature was his freckles. Which covered his face, mostly being frequent on his nose and cheeks. He wore a dark blue ruana with some black wave patterns.

I really wanted to go and talk to them, but Sergio reminded me, that they most likely came a long way. They might be really tired and I should let them rest, before trying to make friends.

I wonder what they are like. Maybe I'll become good friends with them. Who knows?


Hey there! I kinda realised that I am not going to be able to make two chapter in one weekend. So you wont get that one missed chapter.

I wrote this in the middle of the night on a sunday. I probably have multiple tests tomorrow,and I didn't study for shit. So that'll be fun.

Until next time

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