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"Hey.. where are you going?" his mom ask coz he was caught sneaking on the balcony. 

"oh. hi mom.. hehe" he said while laughing fake. 

his mom crossed his arm then gave him a sharp look

"Min Yoongi you brat. get inside! " she said shouting..

he pouts. "but mom! it's my friends birthday! can i atleast celebrate with them?" he pleads

his mom heaved a deep sigh. "baby.. it's already late.. " 

"im not a baby anymore! im 20 for god sake!" he said shouting walking through past his mom to get inside. 

his mom follows him. 

"yoongi--" his mom tries to approach him but he just covered himself with a blanket. 

there was a silence for a while.. then he just heard the door opening and closed. 


they always treat me like that. I'm not a child anymore.

I pout then grab my phone. I open our gc and here.


"so are you coming?" my friend ask me about the underground party later.

I gave him my bored look " of course dude that's my thing." i said while smoking.

I always attends those kinds of party.. Where i can release my stressed from work.

I've been working for almost 24/7 for goddamn sake!

I deserve a treat right? I smirked while thinking about it.

I'm busy drinking my rum.. When some men walks towards me.

"hey you!" he said angrily then grab me in my collar i just didn't mind him.

I gave him my bored look. I smirked when i remember him "oh. Isabela's boyfriend right?"

After i said that he punched me right in my face.

My body slammed on the table. I wiped the blood on my mouth and smiled while facing this asshole. 

i signaled my men to pinned him down. 

"you jerk! stop fucking my girlfriend!" he shouted at me.. 

i walked closer to him as my men still holding him up. 

"hey.. it's not my fault that i can satisfy your girl." 

he was about to attack me again but i moved fast and slammed his head on the table. 

he falls on the ground unconscious. "moron." i whispered while looking at his lying body.

"clean it" i commanded my men. 

then i decided to get outside to have some air. 

i touched my lower lip "that asshole really did a great punch" i murmured. 

i grab my cigarette stash in my pocket and lit it.. 

while busy puffing my cigarette i saw a man running.. 

he just run past to the street where i was standing.. i just watched him run..

then another man came in running .. "hey!!! my bag!!" he said while shouting..

i just tilt my head while watching them running.

"pssh.." i took a last hit on my cigar and throw it on the ground.. i stepped on it to kill the fire.

FINALLY IN-LOVE (YoonMin Story) [ENGLISH]Where stories live. Discover now