💖Vampire x Werewolf💖

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+-_This was a request by @ddumbaz _-+
~Type: Fluff~
-Summary: Vamps and werewolf have a crush on each other and their siblings (Alchemist and Kumiho) help them plan a date ✨
Warnings: Cringe
Ight enjoy :D

Werewolves POV
Werewolf: Are you sure this is a good idea?... Maybe we should just forget about the whole thing I don't think ill be able to do this...
Kumiho: No way! we can't back out now! Come on you can do this!
Werewolf: Ughhh fine-
Kumiho: Alright so we gotta think of a place you wanna take him
Maybe a walk in the forest? that seems like a romantic place
Werewolf: What If he dosnt want to go there? What if he thinks it's a stupid idea and just leaves me there?-
Kumiho: Ok your overthinking this to much Werewolf you'll be ok!
Werewolf: Alright... Your right I can do this...
Kumiho: So to the forest?
Werewolf: Ok that sounds good
Kumiho: Don't forget to give him a goodbye kiss at the end~
Werewolf: No! I can't do that he's never gonna wanna talk to me again if I do-
Kumiho: Hey just relax I'm an expert at this type of stuff it's literally my power I know what I'm doing!

Vampires POV:
Alchemist: Alright! We have everything in planned out for this! A nice outfit for you a good way of asking him and a good why to ask him to be your partner at the end!
You ready for this big bro?
Vampire: Yeah I guess just a bit nervous though...
Alchemist: Don't be you got this let's go!
She dragged me out of the house and brought me outside
Vampire: Alright so he said he wants to take me out on a walk in the forest I'm gonna get going now
Alchemist: Alright bye!
Don't screw this up!
Vampire: I'll try not to...
Alright you can do this...
I say to myself quietly as I start to head to the forest
I was walking around for a bit and it didn't seem like he was here...
Vampire: I'll give him more time he's probably not here yet...
I waited a few more minutes but it didn't look like he'll be here
I sighed and started to walk back home
Werewolf: Vamps wait!
I looked up and saw werewolf breathing heavily
Vampire: Oh hey there you are I thought you wouldn't show up
Werewolf: Yeah that was my fault... I should have specified whare exactly we should have met up...
Vampire: No its ok
So should we start this um... date I guess you could call it?...
Werewolf: Yeah let's go
He held his hand out and I took it while blushing
Werewolf: Now let me take you to the place we were supposed to meet up
Vampire: Alright lead the way!
We walked throughout the forest holding hands until we made it to this small sparkling lake
With a waterfall coming out of a group of rocks
Vampire: Oh wow this place is amazing werewolf!
Werewolf: I knew you'd like it I usually come here to calm myself down a bit
Vampire: I could see why you do this place is very peaceful
We both sat down on the soft grass and gazed at the water of the lake
A few seconds later I felt werewolf tap on my shoulder
Werewolf: Here...
He said while handing me a bunch of flowers and turning his head away to hide his blush
Vampire: Aww thanks werewolf!
Werewolf: There's an interesting looking cave behind that waterfall wanna check it out?
Vampire: Hell yeah let's go!
Werewolf: Alright here let me help you up
He grabbed my hand And lifted me off the grass
Vampire: Thanks now let's go see that cave!
Werewolf: Ok follow me!
He lead me to the back ot the waterfall and like he said there was a cave
And we both went inside
There were a bunch of glowing crystals that lit up the cave
Vampire: This place is so cool!
Looks like something the ancients discovered awhile back
Werewolf: Yeah that's what I thought too!
Vampire: At least now we get to feel like epic heros in this cave!
I say while flipping my hair
Werewolf: Pffft you idiot!
I noticed that the sun started to set and we were able to see through the entrance of the cave
We both sat down again hugging each other as the sun slowly started setting and the moon came out
Vampire: Man... this has been amazing werewolf... yknow I really like spending time with you... and just you in general maybe we can do this again sometime?...
Werewolf: Yeah yeah I love you too you big moron
Vampire: Damn ok that was fast thought we gonna have some sort of dramatic confession
I heard him giggle a bit
Then he wrapped his arms around me
Werewolf: I still love you though
Vampire: I love you too Werewolf
I say while kissing his face

Such wholesome bois <3
I kinda made this as a stress reliever bc I love this ship so much jhjjhhhhh
Anyways thanks for the person who requested this I hope you liked it!
Sorry I this is short I'll try to make these one shots a bit longer
Also sorry for any spelling mistakes
Ok that's all I had to say see you all later byeeee ♡

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