chapter 1 - Art Class

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Chapter 1: love at first sight

I stumbled into class, my jumper dripping with water.
"Luke. What now? Why on earth are you late this time? "
I sighed exhaustedly as Mr Pickles looked down on me in frustration. Gavin stepped forward from behind me. I didn't even know he was there. He must've swapped art classes and joined ours.

"Sir, the bus didn't show up and we all had to run to school in the pouring rain!" He said.

"Okay okay. Thank you Gavin for clearing that up for us. Please find your seats quickly, both of you" Mr Pickles replied, back to his usual tone. We both walked to our desks on opposite sides of the classroom and sat down. Why did Gavin have to be such a teachers pet? He sucked up to the teachers far more than was considered 'normal'. As the lesson dragged on, I couldn't help  staring at Gavin's focused facial expressions and leant forward posture. I found myself tracing my eyes around his tall frame and the long fingers he wrapped around the pencil as he sketched. Everything about him was perfect, but I was not. I discovered myself wondering if i would ever be even close to good enough for a handsome beast like him. I ripped my eyes away for a second, over to Zander. I loved the way his voice sounded when he was happy, the way he swung his legs under the table when he concentrates. They way he wears the cuffs of his jumper on his hands, rather than his wrists. I especially liked the way he looked at me, it gave me butterflies in my stomach. But did either of them feel the same way?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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