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I looked to the sky. I screamed.






Why Am I doing this? Why am I fighting? Right. I have a family, I have loved ones, I want to stay alive.

But where am I now?

I'm in a war. A war I never wished to fight in, I never wished to do this. I HATE- I hate, I hate, I hate the fact that this war. This war is something I'd been drafted to do against my will. Our MREs are already expired, our boots feel like they're going to fall off and take our feet with them, and now?

I tried to run. I ran into a Ukrainian camp, I was taken in, I was treated as a human. I joined them when they left for Poland, I was patched up, I was offered citizenship. Then I woke up.

I cried, my fellow soldiers joined me, our morale was low and our strength lower. I didn't want to die for a cause I never believed in. On TV I saw a woman raise a banner, spreading the truth about this war, this war is wrong.

We ran today, we made it across the border. We were stopped by the Ukrainian government, we dropped our weapons, we even begged. We were taken in.

I woke up and to my relief, it was real this time. It was real.


I was huddled up in a corner, my back faced away from the wall. I couldn't help but scream.


I broke down in tears, someone, anyone. Please, help me.

The rubble and debris made it hard to breathe, I felt like I was choking, choking on dust, tears, fears, pain. My body was about to give up when I heard something.

"Hello?! Is anyone there?! Please come out! We're here to help you! Ми не зашкодимо тобі! Ми обіцяємо."
(My ne zashkodymo tobi! My obitsyayemo.)

I screamed.

"Тут! Я тут!"
(Tut! YA tut!)

I tried to move the rubble as much as I could, then I saw light. I was picked up, I cried, I thank them. I thanked them repeatedly, my legs hurt, my arms were numb. I closed my eyes, I woke up in a hospital bed. There was someone beside me, they shifted. I sat up and screamed.


She looked up and cried, she was smiling,

"Слава Богу, що ти живий!"
(Slava Bohu, shcho ty zhyvyy!)

I hugged her, Mama.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine might not always end with a happy ending, this conflict is affecting more than just those two countries, it is affecting near the entire world. Please, please, please. Remember that Russia's attack was unprovoked, there is no real way to cover up the atrocities that have been made.

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