I xcry at night just to fall asleep i try 2 find away 4 me 3 understand the luv i need i wish apon a start 2 take me back 3 make me happy let me understand why im soo sad how i can change the old me and make a new 1 the way i feel how i never relized life could be the popele i let inmy life need 2 understand the shyt i share with you are not everyones secret its MINE ME i hate the way everything is how everyone is how people act how stuff change how woetimes you just have to let go but letting go can be harder then it seems harder then you picture change can be 4 the better or 4 the worse the chagne people give me it seems like its 4 the worse :( the change i actually hurts i lost so much in 2010 it seems like i lost more then gaind more den i relized that everything i lost i actually loved why me why me why SAVANNAH why the good people and not the bad i loved everything but seems like someone came up and said her pick her we dont care but you know what i have 2 take it 1 step at a time i relized was real I try day by day night by night but I have 2 let it all floe
the LONLY child