Part I

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"You never realize you loved someone until they're gone."

"Isn't it scary what a smile can hide?"

"Hurting someone's feelings is as easy as throwing a rock in the ocean, but do you know how deep it goes?"

"If love is just a word, then why does it hurt so much if you realize it isn't there?"

"The sad thing is that betrayals never come from an enemy, but from a friend."

"You can fake a smile, but you can't fake your feelings."

"The longer You live, the more you'll realize that reality is just made of pain, suffering and emptiness."

"Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today ... today is a gift that is why we call it present."

"Knowing what if feels like to be hurt is exactly why we try to be kind to others."

"When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred."

"It's human nature that people won't realize the true value of something unless they lose it."

"Only when one forgives all hatred inside, and only then ... they can understand true peace."

"Without hatred there is no love, without pain there is no joy. One can only survive with the other, but does that mean we must succumb to the pain and hatred inside while forgetting what is love?"

"Through the need to protect the ones you love, hatred is created. The desire to maintain peace causes wars and so ... the endless cycle of hatred is born."

"The most painful thing is not a cut or a broken nose, the most painful thing, is seeing the person you've made memories with, slowly become memories."

"What is justice? It is merely a construct that is controlled by the current base of power."

"Even if it is justice or revenge for someone you hold close, does it give you the right to take one's life?" - "Every time you take a life, if its justified or not, you lose a part of your soul, until there is nothing left but pieces of something you once were."

"Now let me ask you this, is it worth it ... to avenge the one you loved, but destroy the person you were before as well? Killing a murder does not decrease the number of murders, it only continues the cycle of hatred in this world."

"What is better, to be born good? Or to overcome your evil nature by good deeds?"

"No matter what you believe will happen after we die, no matter if you are religious or not, live your life in this world to your fullest. Because once you are dead, there is no coming back. The people you love, the memories you've made, will all be gone."

No one knows what kind of person they are, until the very end. On the brink of death, you'll see what kind of person you are. That's what death is. Don't you agree?"

"One does not cry because one is weak, a person cries because they have been too strong for too long."

"Every tear you shed, has a story. Because no one cries for no reason."

"People are not always what they seem to be. Some people work in the shadows to protect the ones they love, even if it means hurting those closest to them."

"Everyone was born for a specific reason. We might not understand what it is, but when we die, we will know what that purpose really was."

"The only thing reality has determined for us, is when we are born and when we will die. Everything in between is up to us."

"If you lost someone you loved, it is okay to cry, it is okay to be angry and it is okay to be sad. However it is up to you to honour the memory of that person and continue living your life."

"Tell me, why do you wish to die?" - "Lets turn that question around. Is there really any value to this thing we call living?"

"If God truly loves all equally, then why is it that in this world some get to live until they reach old age with a family that loves them, and others live a short life with all their family already gone?"

"Time does not heal wounds, it only teaches you how to live with it."

"Don't fear death, fear an unfulfilling life!"

"Power does not come to those born the strongest, it comes to those who will do anything to achieve it."

new quotes will be added soon!

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