Samantha's toothache (part 1)

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Hey~ Let me introduce myself. My name is Samantha, but most people call me Sam. I'm currently a senior in high school and I don't have many problems to worry about most of the time. I don't have that many phobias. I'm not scared of spiders, or snakes, or lightning storms, not even ghosts or other mythological creatures, but I do have one huge fear. The dentist.

 You see, both my parents are dentists, and you would think that I'd be pretty used to hearing about things relating teeth and various treatments, that I at least tolerate dental visits. No, that is NOT the case. I'm the exact opposite of what you would consider a teenager to be like who lives with two dentists. Actually, most of my family is in the medical field one way or another. The other dentist in my family is my young uncle Greg, who has his own practice.

My parents are health nuts, the very stereotypical depictions. I can't remember the last time they bought candy or any junk food for that matter, but despite their teachings, and me being the rebel in the family, I still buy it with my allowance, eating it at school and on outings, and so far it's worked wonderfully. Until now.


Part 1: The incident

*school bell rings*

"Ugh, finally, school's finished for the week!" - I exclaimed to my bestie Charlotte, who I've known ever since she accidentally threw up on me during lunch in kindergarten, we still laugh about it to this day and it's one of my favorite memories.

"I know, right? I swear, our teachers have no understanding of the fact that we have, you know, social lives to keep up with? Family to talk to? Sleep to catch up on? Man, I'm so hungry right now."

"Yeah, I can agree with you on that one. Say, how about we head on down to our favorite diner downtown? I haven't been there in ages and the food is So. Fingerlicking. Good."

"Heck yeah! That sounds like a great idea. Let me just get some stuff out of my locker and then we can head out."

I followed my bestie down the hallway. It was very hot outside as it was still early September, so all I had on was a pair of skinny jeans, some sneakers and a big denim jacket that I stole from my dad. It actually fits me surprisingly well, and it has huge pockets, I could carry the contents of my backpack in them if I wanted to.

We soon headed out on our bikes, the diner wasn't far from the city's high school, less than 5 minutes away. The remnants of summer were still quite evident, except for some of the trees finally deciding to change over to the yellow-orange hue that fall brings upon them. This is my favorite time of the year, it's kind of like the last sprint before everything is eventually covered in a white blanket of snow.

Soon enough we were seated at my favorite booth next to the window, it looked out onto the main street in the downtown area, and as per usual there were plenty of pedestrians on the sidewalks, some of which were making purchases at the various small stored lined up the road. I'd say this is both the most busy and relaxing part of town, as odd as that may sound.

"So, what were you thinking about ordering, Sammy?" - I don't know why Charlie finds this nickname to be the funniest thing ever, but let it be I guess haha.

"Hm, I don't know... I was thinking we could maybe split a pizza and have some milkshakes afterwards?"

"You read my mind! I was just thinking the same thing. Wow, how do you do that?"

"Charmander, that's literally what we always get."

"Oh come on, learn to understand sarcasm! And stop calling me Charmander, I may be a nerd, but not to that extent." We both burst out laughing, finally deciding to calm down once a family of four started to stare at us weirdly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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