Chapter 1

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A young boy is walking in a small apartment home, Anthony. He's walking to another apartment, Nyjay's house.

"Hey, is Derion up?" Anthony said with a curious look on their face. "No, he's sleeping. It's 10 am." Nyjay said irritatingly. "Okay, excuse the hell out of me," Anthony replied sassily with a sass look. "Yeah, okay," Nyjay responded. Nyjay slams the door. "Idiot," said Anthony walking away with a frown. Nyjay starts brushing their teeth with headphones on as "Somebody's Watching Me" plays on his phone. Someone calls them. It's Victoria. "Yo Nyjay, have you watched the news?" Victoria said with hype. "No, why?" Nyjay asks out of curiosity. "They said a serial killer, Mikey Myers is on the north side of Colton. He murdered 52 people a year ago, 2018 Halloween night. "OMG! What the hell?" Nyjay says with a look so frightened on their face. "I know, I know. I'm just telling you cause I know you live there. Stay safe!" There's a time-lapse, and while Nyjay's asleep on the couch, the phone rings: it's Victoria again. "Hello?" Nyjay said with a tiring look on his face. "Are you okay?" Victoria asked worryingly. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be okay? What the hell is going on, Vicky?" Nyjay asked with curiosity. Nyjay didn't know what was happening. They knew in their head that this had something to do with what Victoria bought up earlier to them. "I don't know. I'm j-just paranoid after I heard about what happened earlier today." Victoria said worryingly. You could tell in her voice that she was scared for Nyjay. "What is it, Nyjay?" Victoria yells cause she's scared for them. Nyjay hears footstep noise in the kitchen, what the commotion was. "Hello? Who is it?" Nyjay asked with a worried look on their face. Nyjay screams, it's Michael Fucking Myers. The Shape runs after Nyjay. Nyjay screams and shouts and runs near an open door. The Shape is pulling their leg and stabs them. Nyjay kicks the killer in the chin, takes away Michael's knife, and repeatedly stabs Michael in the chest. Nyjay slowly walks near the window, and they see young Michael. Michael gets off the floor, repeatedly stabbing Nyjay as they scream. Michael evil stares at Nyjay on the floor. They're unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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