The Escape

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He laid in his prison cell watching the clock's ,which was outside of the cell above the apple officer's head, hands slowly move from 8:12 to 8:13. He hasn't slept in weeks because of that clock being unnecessarily loud every time the hand moved down or up. Also possibly because of the loud fights that would happen between inmates. He didn't understand what he did wrong. He knew his brother, a orange, would not approve of him being stuck in a federal prison. His skin was rotting by the seconds going by. He could see illusions of his family and could into the darkest corner of his room seeing it look back at him. He rolled to his side to stare at the toliet next to his bed. He could hear the jingling of keys and quickly got up to see if the officer moved. The officer was standing at his cell, trying to find the right key to open the cell. Was this his chance? No he couldn't just rush out of his cell when there are camera at every corner with their patrol officer near by. "You have free time for now," the officer told him. He walked out to the yard he could see a bunch of other inmates making shiv with broken beer bottles from one of the fermented apple officer's last nights ventures. As he sat there trying to analyze the area he looked to a window to were the officers talk and saw his brother. He practically jumped out off the bench he was sitting on to get a better look. His eyes have been playing tricks on him since he got in the prison so he had to really see if that really was his brother standing there in his uniform speaking to a higher up officer. He ran toward the building and quickly opened a vent that he loosened a long time ago. He crawled into the vent and went into the officer's lounge to see his brother. "I say we should kill him via electric chair," the orange said "But isn't he your brother?" "Adopted brother so he does not matter that much to me" The tangerine felt his heart drop out of his body. He regretted ever crawling to into the room to see his brother. His eyes became too warm for him to handle. He knew he was adopted a long time ago but he just couldn't believe what the orange said. Before he could register his emotions the tears and quiet sobbing broke out. He figured he couldn't just cry and sit there. He backed up to the exit of the vent. He quickly had to think of where he could get out and when. The officer led him back to his cell since his free time was over by then. Time flew by and he just sat in his bed still processing what happened and thinking on how to get out. He refused to have lunch and sat there still thinking. He signaled to the officer that he had to use the bathroom. He knew the inmates would start fighting at this time and remembered the cameras at the time begin to lag. The officer opened the door and just as he predicted he could hear the banana and cucumber begin fighting. "Hey quit fighting!" the officer yelled as he ran to the cell with them in. This was it now was his chance. The tangerine ran for it. He ran as fast as he could never looking back. He couldn't hear anything or see anything other than his future. The wind flowed with him at the speed he ran. He ran straight to the yard climbing the fence. He couldn't feel the electricity run through him. He did not even focus on how high the fence was all he knew was that he was getting out. He couldn't hear the gunshots fly next to him. By the time he got over the hedge of the fence his hands and feet were burnt to a crisp. Still he held onto the fence crawling down as fast as he could. Then he hear a gunshot ring out as it hit his hand. He couldn't scream in pain since he fell off into the thorny bushes. All he knew was that if he did not get up fast enough he would get caught. He couldn't hear anything again. He just ran far as he could. The wind was back helping him fly with the leaves. The darkness hid him as he ran. He couldn't feel the pain again. He only felt the adrenaline run through his veins. Suddenly he saw a truck for canned tomatoes the back was open enough for him to slide in. He pushed him self up and grabbed onto the edge of the truck. The car started and his hands were slipping. Still he held onto the truck. He crawled into the truck and got inside just in time to see the other officers run out to look for him near the place he was previously standing. He closed it completely the darkness felt more comforting and depressing this time. Now he could breathe, feel, and be at peace. He took some cloth ripped from his prison outfit and tied it to his hands like how his brother taught him on how to stop heavy blood loss. He cried out to the dark emptiness of the inside of the truck where he knew no one could hear him. He cried until his voice became horse and broken. Finally he fell asleep with his familiar inmates from prison that ran with him.

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