River Ride

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Ash, I love you will you sing that one song about clementines.

Luke, always anything for my little Luke.

"Oh my sweet clementine take me away
Just take a bite of you and you burst in my
Mouth with color and sweetness
I will find my love with you someday ",
Ashton sang.

Rock, swish, woosh, The two heard as they tried to stay a float. Then the Rapids ended.

Luke then took a nice little bite of his clementine then Ashton kissed him on the mouth then they split the orange with they're tongues.

"I love you , Ash"
"I love you too, Luka"
"I wish we could wake up with Amnesia"

They then got out of the river and hopped In Luke's red truck they held hands and talked about they're future life like they planned it out in they're heads. They just smiled and looked in to each other's eyes.

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