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"Please don't worry, sir. We'll try our best to—" Before the doctor could finish his sentence, Kusuo had cut him off.

"Try? Are you dumb or stupid? You must do your best. It's your job to revive her, is it not?" The pink-haired hissed. And boy, was the psychic not hesitating to blow this hospital up. "Y-yes, understood." The doctor shivered, running away.

'What a pain.' The psychic grumbled, running a hand through his hair. He was scared. He feared that he might not hear your voice again. He might not see you smile again. After all, the percentage of dark chocolate you ate was above fifty.

Not to mention that he was scared to lose you. He can just travel back to the past to see you again. He's a psychic, after all. No one can die under his hands, right? He can do anything.

Kusuo heard footsteps approaching him, so he turned around only to see an older man that had the same hair color as you. "That girl you just defended right now.. Are you her boyfriend?" He questioned curiously.


Kusuo shook his head from left to right. Why do people assume such things like these? It's normal to defend a friend, after all.

'Not yet, for now, at least.'

"I see. Did they tell you her room number?" The older man questioned once more, making the psychic frown.

Kusuo couldn't read the man's mind. He doesn't seem like an idiot like Nendou. Was he planning something terrible? Or does he, by any chance, know his brother, Kusuke? Impossible.

"They won't let me in." The pink-haired grumbled under his breath. After a few seconds, a woman was now approaching them.

Her features were the same as yours except that her hair color was different. "Oh, you're here." She spat bashfully, dismayed at the sight of the man in front of him.

"Of course. What will the people think if they find out I didn't visit my daughter when she's hospitalized?" The man rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

'You care about your image, not your daughter.. Wait, did he say 'our daughter'?' Kusuo's eyes widened, 'isn't this [ name ]'s mom?' He questioned himself, looking at your mother. The only thing you have in common with your father was your hair color, so it was hard to figure out.

"You act like you aren't using me for money." The man chuckled. He's a tall, fair-looking guy around his 30s, a CEO of a large company, although you may admit that he is a walking red flag.

"You know I'm doing it for [ name ]." The woman bitterly chuckled before rolling her eyes. 'I don't care about anything else, be it my daughter's health. They'll only end up leaving me anyway.'

Hearing your mother's thoughts, Kusuo was far more than disgusted. 'No, you're not.' He scowled. The pink-haired was trying to fight the urge to send the two into space, and he was failing. Failing reaaal bad.

"Shut up. I know you preferred her big sister more. Haha, didn't she die because of you? Now [ name ] is dying too." That harsh comment was below the belt.

Your mother raised her hand to slap him, but before he could, Kusuo had already pushed him to the ground. 'I promised not to interfere in family problems, but for [ name ], I'll make everything an exception.' He mentally stated.

"She's not going to die." The pink-haired muttered before walking away from the scene. Everyone around the area was watching, and the atmosphere was so tense.

     Kusuo used invisibility and teleported to your room. The doctor banned him from your room until you're conscious once more due to some reasons. And that 'reason' is because he suspects that Kusuo poisoned you. A very dumb conclusion, isn't it?

Seeing your body sleeping with a frown, nothing bothered him more than that. And it finally clicked, 'am I in love?' he questioned himself.

He wasn't expecting himself to feel these things—worry, regret, fear. If this is what love means, he doesn't like it. Love is overwhelming, and it's making him anxious.

It was the first time he doubted his strength. 'If she doesn't wake up, I can just time travel, right? I can do it, right?' he pursed his lips, clenching his fists.

He was willing to do anything just to see your smile once more. 'I hate love, but I'm willing to make it an exception only for you.' He mumbled telepathically, sending his voice directly to your brain.

You flashed your eyes open, breathing heavily. The first thing that greeted you was a white ceiling. You squinted your eyes slightly, the ray of lightbulbs hitting your eyes.

'[ name ]'s.. awake?!' Kusuo gulped, pressing a hand close to his chest. He sighed in relief, and he couldn't help but tug his lips upward into a smile. With that, he teleported to the roof before his invisibility wore off.

short chapter cus yes y not

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