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"Don't worry about it Harry" I said looking at his lost expression.

"They are such fucking assholes" he shouted frustrated. "They just want to ruin everything, you know that"

"Then don't let them..." I was much calmer than I should have been but I was used to their little shows.

"Maybe it's time to call the police, Valerie" Mr. Styles said worry written all over his face.

"This cannot go on forever!" he added sighing.

"No, no. They are just going to take it out on Harry and I don't want that. Besides Helena's husband will probably cover the whole thing up" I said trying to reason with them but they wouldn't have it. Maybe my little encounter with Nadia had backfired in my face.

"I am so going to kick some ass..." Harry said grabbing his keys and I moved to snatch them from him.

"You will do no such thing, Harry" his father warned him. "You can use this to get custody of your son...we should seek legal advice"

"Your father is right, Harry...please calm down and do what is best for you and your baby"

Harry looked lost and defeated. He was torn by his fury and need to defend me and his love for his son who would have to deal with the consequences had he materialized his threats.

"Valerie, I think it's best if you went home" he said out of the blue his hands still shaking.

"I think so, too, dear. Harry and I need to talk" his dad stated and I had no choice in the matter.

"OK...if this is what you want... I'll go to my parents' house." I was disappointed with how the night turned out. Minutes ago Harry confessed his love for me, his lust for me and now he almost ordered me to leave.

"I'll give you a lift" he said bluntly.

"No, it's fine. You need to talk with your family and probably your lawyer. I'll call someone to come pick me up". He nodded and brought my bag from his room and I felt he was eager to get rid of me, his previous passionate words fading in thin air. I know I was being overdramatic but at the time I felt awful. So I texted the only person who would definitely be there for me and who knew where Harry's house was: Leo.

Can you come pick me from Harry's house if it's not much trouble?

Something wrong?

No just need a friend

You've got one. Be there in 5

I thanked the Styles for their hospitality and took my bag to leave.

"Are we good?" Harry asked when I headed to the door. He hadn't even asked who was picking me up. He was still in shock I guess but like a twenty year old immature girl I felt a bit bitter.

"Yeah. We are good" I said in a whisper.

As soon as Leo's bike was heard from the corner finally stopping at the front of his house, Harry glared at me.

"You texted Leo? Of all people you texted him?"

"He is the only one who knows your house...and I need to go... like now" I answered heading to the bike without looking back.

Leo took my bag and secured it at the back handing me a helmet and I sat behind him when the engine was brought to life again. And just like that we were gone. I didn't look back because I didn't want to. I just didn't.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now