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Why are you doing this honey? Come on, you can't be sad, you're just in pain.."

I hate you, you should leave me, you know very well what I want.I wanted to tell him this to his face, but I was afraid.
Experiencing the same things over and over again... I couldn't stand it. I was disappointed. He had changed in an instant. What happened to the promises he made to me?
He was so mean to me, dammit, what should I do again? I did everything you wanted, I thought I had won again. But I'm slowly losing it. He was angry. Have I crossed the line?

- What have I done to you?
- Why are you still here!
- Do not you want to talk with me?
- You should have been in charge I told you to go.
- Do you have any idea how stupid a job I am responsible for ha?
- I don't give a damn!
- I don't want to steal anymore, I already have a job.
- You were sent for me, you will do what I ask!
- I'm not your slave! what do you want again!
Just then the phone rang.*
- I will punish you later.

my head was spinning again, he added something to my water, I held on to a fixed place, tried to listen. I didn't like what I heard. He was going to sell me to someone I didn't know. If I had known it was prepared a week in advance, I would have run away. I didn't think it would go this far.

*4 hours later*
hey chaeyoung! Get up, now you're getting rid of me, honey.." I couldn't open my eyes for a while what he said... how was I going to get rid of him? Are you kidding me?..."
No, you really going babe. Jeon's will take care of you, of course I will get my money. It's exciting that my ex is my livelihood, shall we do something before we go?..."
"..No! Please don't give me to anyone, I'll do whatever you want, I don't want to get hurt any more... please..."
They came too late now..." Ash! Aren't you ashamed?.."

When they entered the house, I tried to shout but it didn't work, they covered my mouth with their hands when I couldn't breathe... I shouted that you would regret it.
When I got in the car, there was a man in front of me and he asked what I liked along the way. I answered because I was afraid. What would they do to me? Our love is fake what is real? The man sitting in the seat in front of me said, "Shame on your beautiful skin. I don't think it should have been like this." He said, running his hands over my face. "What was he doing to you?" I stopped. "Don't worry, Jeon isn't like that, but he's a bit of a lecher so if you like him, you'll suffer when you see him with someone else." "I don't think I will like it, sir." "If you say so..." "What time will we arrive?"
" Be patient, we'll be there in 5 minutes." "why me?" "I don't know." "I can ask him that, right?" "All I ask of you is that you don't oppose." "I'll try to deal with him, I hope he doesn't offend me.""You can be sure. It won't hurt as long as you don't protest." "Who are you?" "you will soon learn." smirk*

"After a while, the car stopped. As I was getting off, I saw a huge villa in front of me. What was this show? Jeon must be a rich man. Where did all that money come from? No one can afford it. Too many guards around the house. Damn!"

I was very scared because I was told that I won't be able to see Jeon yet. I thought maybe if I killed myself I would be saved. When the door of the house was closed, I went to the kitchen. I opened the drawer, there was no knife in the drawer. I searched some more and found a note.

"Now that you are reading this note, we have more business with you. Miss Chaeyoung."

my hands started shaking and i felt empty. How did he think I could do something like that? WTF!!!!!!
Then I found another piece of paper. It had (2305) written on it. I started to tour the house. I opened another door, which was probably his gun room. I felt like I couldn't find anything here. Just as I was about to leave, a cupboard caught my eye. The cabinet was locked. The lock was unlocked when I entered the code on the paper. Inside was an arm. I lowered the handle.

"I walked in and he was standing right in front of me. "Jeon.. is that you?" He took a few steps towards me. "Yes I am. If you do something like that again, the first penalty will be severe. You can't get rid of me. Be proud that I took you away from that bastard. Don't break my rules, okay?"

Now that you're with me, let me tell you why you're here?

See you for now Chaeyoung...

I saw several people enter the room. When someone hit my head hard, I couldn't stand it, I fell to the ground.

 When someone hit my head hard, I couldn't stand it, I fell to the ground

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Thanks for reading. ILYSM <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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