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Even in a gigantic structure like the National Diet Library, this one librarian stood out. This was Tadashi's first thought when he saw that librarian with her black curly hair and slightly tanned beige skin. She couldn't go unremarkable as the only foreign employee in the library — probably to her dismay. Tadashi guessed she was a European but wondered if she didn't have some Arabic roots as he observed her features intently.

Tadashi noticed her at first sight but didn't have a chance to interact with her until today — when she was the one who gave him the books he was picking up for Ainosuke. They exchanged formalities, she gave him a polite smile. And that was it.

Tadashi went back to the library a few weeks later. But this time, Ainosuke surprisingly decided he would go with his secretary. The Foreign Librarian was there again, focused on her work.

"Nice hair," Ainosuke muttered more to himself than Tadashi. But Tadashi heard it anyway and turned around his boss with a questioning look.

The Diet Member gave his secretary a condescending look and pointed to the Foreign Librarian.

"That woman there, she sure has remarkable air. All curly like that. There are plenty of girls with curly hair like that in America. Not so much in Japan. So it's nice. "

The Foreign Librarian was again the one who checked out their books. They exchanged formalities as the last time. However, her polite smile didn't have the genuineness Tadashi saw in her the other day.

Ainosuke also noticed her unusual(?) uptightness and added to this: 'Nice hair but kind of grumpy,'

Tadashi was amazed he even looked at her long enough to observe that. Only a few men could get his attention and even a less amount of women.

The next time, Tadashi had to stay at the library longer than usual. They had issues finding a book he wanted — for himself this time — and Tadashi had to wait until they could retrieve it. He then overheard a conversation between a group of librarians on their break, all women, including the Foreign Librarian.

'Hey, hey. Is it true? Mister Shindou really was there the other day?'

One of them nodded intensely.

'He is even more handsome in the flesh than on TV!' Another squealed.

'Why did he have to come on my free day' Another one complained.

'Julianne was the one to give him his books... Julianne, how luckier can you be... You get the handsome Diet member while we get the old hags..." The first sighed.

The Foreign Librarian looked up from the coffee she was drinking. She was visibly not really interested in her colleagues' conversation.

'I guess I am.' She merely replied with a blank face.

So her name was Julianne. Tadashi repeated the name in his head until it was carved in his brain. Why he was obsessed with her. Tadashi didn't know himself. But Tadashi discovered another thing about the Foreign- Julianne the same day.

'Julianne... I don't get him sometimes. He is nice and all... But always in his own world.' Tadashi heard one of the librarians saying to another.

The other nodded.

'Won't get himself a partner like this. Being a bookworm.'

Tadashi didn't fail to notice the use of masculine pronouns when they talked. So Julianne was... A man? Tadashi indeed assumed he was a woman given his feminine features and small height... But it was maybe a mistake on his part.

Tadashi left the library after he was finally given his book — as he shot a last discreet look to Julianne.

Julianne was slightly annoyed by the looks he was getting from his colleagues only because he happened to check out Mister Shindou's books once. Mister Shindou was indeed attractive — only a fool could deny it. But the curly-haired man was more focused on his secretary, Tadashi Kikuchi. He looked bland with his constant neutral face to everyone. But not Julianne. He had no clue on why nor how he remarked the secretary first. It just happened. He noticed Tadashi's strong stature, emerald eyes, and the mole under his right eye. Tadashi somehow became one of his personal favorite patrons — but he vowed to keep it to himself.

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