the investigation

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I finally made it to investigator and I am leading a huge case! My parents always said that I would not make it at D.U.M.P but here I am lead investigator on one of the largest and most important cases this year. The case entails a shade that strikes at large events taking one or two people at a time. The last event the shade struck was last year's annual Elemental and Energetic games and they took 5 people, they are escalating and are extremely dangerous. I am currently on my way to question the son of legendary D.U.M.P investigator Anthony Greer so maybe he will be a bit more willing to help me but from what I have heard about the troublesome son of detective Greer he will be more feisty than helpful. I arrive to the apartment, phase through the door, and wait for the feisty wolf to arrive home. I hear footsteps and a door open, and a New York accent comes through. "Goddamn rain on my shirt stuck to me and like" he says as he walks into the apartment, I shift my weight on the hardwood floor and the boards squeak alerting him my presence

"Shit who the fuck are you what the fuck are you doing in my apartment" he says as he acknowledges my Prescence in his apartment "doesn't matter" I say quickly not expecting him to be so attractive but "uh no i think it does matter who the fuck you are unless you plan on finding out what it feels like to have your neck between the wolf's teeth so start talking or i start shifting" he says in a threating way "ok then did not have to be rude, anyway I'm investigator Brooklyn Matthews with the department of uniform magical practices" I explain who I am "ok smart ass two thing first of all you working for the department doesn't fucking scare me if you even tell the truth about that and second of all that still doesn't explain what the fuck you doing in my apartment keep talking and talk fast I'm not the most patient guy around" he says with an unamused attitude I pull out my badge and show it to him to prove I'm telling the truth about being with the department 

"see I'm telling the truth" I say with a attitude that would rival his own "toss me the badge" he says in a serious tone I look at him like he has 3 heads "what why" I ask in a rushed voice worried he is going To take it and destroy it "because i'm gonna test it you don't have to go to that fancy ass academy to learn everything you know give it" he sticks his hand out I throw my badge at him he catches it and examines it

"all right that badge checks out at least but you working for the department doesn't clear up the other question you keep dancing around what the fuck are you doing in my apartment "he asks me "umm your landlord let me in" I say in a very not thought out lie "so my human landlord just happened to give you access to my place upon your request well sure that checks out from a legal perspective provided you managed to convince that human in good faith without using any of your powers because that would be both an endangerment to covert and thaumaturgic manipulation for the purposes of an unlawful search and that could put an otherwise upstanding department investigator in very hot water my dad was a department investigator smart ass you picked the wrong shifter to try to double talk a little basic research might have helped you out there investigator" he says fucking smartass but I'll show him "actually I already knew that former investigator Anthony Greer was your father and that was the exact reason I came to talk to you." I say in a the same attitude he was giving me

"oh that's why you decided to talk to me how convenient give me a straight fucking answer or get out what do you want and yeah i get that you're on an investigation real groundbreaking confession there" he motions for me to tell him "im here to question you about what happened at the recent event you worked security at" I told him "you do realize i don't have to answer any of your fucking questions right yeah well my dad also having been an investigator doesn't just automatically make me more willing to help you maybe you should have considered that me and my dad weren't exactly close and his career choice wasn't some point of pride for me either i'm gonna take a stab here and say that since you're putting such an emphasis on having reached out to me specifically because of my family instead of someone else that the someone else you're circling around is the rest of the pack and if that's the case and you've got a question about the pack how about you grow a pair and ask my alpha what you want to know instead of trying to sneak around getting the scoop from the guy you think will spill his guts just because his dad was a covert cop look all things considered for an investigator you actually seem like you got a decent head on your shoulders and trust me i met plenty over the years to make the comparison so i'm gonna give you this advice for whatever it's worth do this the right way even if it's the harder way go to my alpha ask him your questions and get on with your case and your life" he says in a sympathetic voice.

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