The Stirring Consciousness

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Hey! This is the author I am rewriting the first chapter of this fic and finally continuing it! I'm expanding on all that I had written previously. Please Enjoy!

If you wish to support me, I have a Twitter! It is @Little_Lamb31532, it is a place where I will post updates and stuff! It also has a link to how to support me!

The sole inspirations for this fic. Starcraft 2's Abathur being my favorite boy, MHA's Izuku being a soft boy, and Catalyst By Strandshaper, which I read around like... Forever ago, I recommend it, it's a Harry Potter x Starcraft 2 fic with a really well-written Abathur!

I would also like to invite you all to my Discord server for my fics— . I do polls, post announcements for the chapters, and have links to all the important things on that server. It recently got a facelift as well, with the new surge in activity. Being on the server means you get to vote for the different fics and maybe even change a fate or two.

Anyway, back to the fic.


The empty expanses of space stretched for infinitum, the black nothingness painted in the colors of the cosmos. Drifting in that unforgiving void, a colossus of flesh and bone floated. The lesser Terrans roughly sized the creature to just under a small moon in length. However, as the beast drifted almost aimlessly, orderless, it was its master that spun the threads of genetics, it was its master that knew its exact length, its every hair and nerve ending. It had no need to measure—the beast it was hosted by stretched precisely 11.389 kilometers, or 6.835 miles. The leviathan felt the wandering psychic mass that was its master's mind. Their master felt no need to go anywhere. So it drifted in the cosmic wind, its large body flexing as adjusted its massive spined tentacles.

Slithering deep in the depths of the large space-faring organism; in interworking tubing, birthing chambers, and walkways, a large creature ripped the flesh of one of its newest creations into pulpy piles. Its body was cocooned in thick plates of chitin, protecting its soft innards. Massive, throbbing glands filled with fluorescent green liquid pulsed within. They pushed and pulled large quantities of the material from gland to gland, moving it between portions of the body as it synthesized and eradicated millions of genetic combinations. From its tail to its four-eyed head, these glands cropped up and reproduced the genetic material they housed, its thick plates similarly only being split to allow the multitude of arachnid legs. Sprouting from places between plates, they were either capped with sharp-edged points for traversal or a hand of varying fingers and properties. The hands pulled stringy fibers from the softly glowing glands near them, tying them with others and pulling the thin chain of genes to another hand that would alter it further.

The creature's mouth watered as it scooped the remnants of its last failure into the cavity. Thin endless rows of teeth began dicing the meat and bones as they began to get soaked with harsh acids meant to reduce the creature back to base-level elements. The thin teeth pulled the genetic code quickly before they could be dissolved. He only needed one full strand, but shredded gene sequences were never enjoyable to mend.

The eyes, each one shielded by a thick symbiotic outer eye lens of its own design scanned the pit. He had come to enjoy it here. Livable, full of biomass and subjects. Dense pockets of uteral flesh slowly pushed thickly armored worm-like creatures into the cavern around the creature. And the high moisture made its job easy. Its master had called it the evolution pit.

The creature, self-named Abathur, had worked in this same chamber for years. It felt the thousands of vital organs that ran through its body shudder in a familiar distaste. These shuddering caverns of flesh it designed had been where Abathur used to follow its goal. It had one goal, a goal so ingrained in its own form he could not process another. The goal of making the perfect swarm, the perfect weapon for an also perfect ruler. Recent events, however, have changed so much. It had a perfect ruler, that once perfect ruler had vanished. That perfect ruler had been his favorite creation, his most prized. The only one that scared him was the Queen of Blades.

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