George Shelley Fanfic ~ Room-mate.

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Chapter 1 

** Beth's P.O.V **

I took a deep sigh as we pulled up outside the university. To be honest I wasn't all that fussed on going to uni, I mean who is? To make things worse, since my family aren't the wealthiest,  I was going to have to share a room with a complete stranger.

" Good lucky sweetie, have a lovely time!" Mum rushed over and squeezed me tightly. I looked worriedly at the huge campus in front of me.

" Thanks" I faked a smile lifting the handle of my suitcase." I guess this is it! I said.

" I guess so" Mum frowned holding her arms wide open.

"Bye" I hugged her.

"Bye bye honey" She kissed my forehead. She slammed the boot closed and waved goodbye before driving off into the morning sunrise.

This is it.

I extended the handle of my suitcase and dragged it along the long brick path.

" Hey, welcome to The University of Brunel" A peppy girl, with two plaits in her hair smiled putting her hand out for me to shake.

"  Hi" I shook her hand, smiling polietly.

" I'm Allie,I'm the one that welcomes all the newbies!" She laughed.

" I'm Beth, I'm the newbie" I winked.

" Great, so I guess we sould get started" She said turning to her desk that was to the left of her." Here are a few papers and maps e.t.c to help you get around" She said handing me a load of papers. " Here's your rape alarm" She said awkwardly holding a small button shaped thing.

" Um...thanks?" I giggled.

" Don't worry, its just for safety procautions, you never know" She joked.

" oh" I nodded and put it in my jean pocket.

" And lastly, your room key" She said opening her folder." Sorry I didn't manage to catch your last name?" She questioned.

" Sykes" I replied.

" ah, here it is" She opened the file and removed the polypocket which had my name writen on it.

" I'll show you to your room and if you need anything else, the information desk is just at the front by the enterance over there" She pointed.

" Okay"  I smiled adjusting all of the papers so that I could carry them. 

"So are you nervous?" She asked flipping her long brunette hair from her eyes as she walked through the tons of students through the crowded halls.

" A bit I guess" I bit my lip with worry.

" Don't be, trust me, two years ago I was in the exact same position as you, you've got nothing to worry about"  She assured me.

" I hope you're right" I said.

" Room 301, this is you" sHe slid the key card through the slot. It made a small beep sound and a green light appeared. 

" I'm not sure if your room-mate is here yet, he started a month earlier though so I'm sure if you need any help, he'll be happy to help" She smiled letting me into the room.

" He?!" I asked in shock." I thought this was the girls dorm-" I began.

" You have nothing to worry about I promise, George is a lovely boy. You we're the last to enter your application, and this was the only space available, your parents signed for it, I'm sorry I thought you'd have known?" She said sympathetically." I'm sure I could try and find somewhere el-" sHE began but i cut across her.

" No its fine honestly" I smiled, I didn't want to cause any hassle, especially on my first day.

" if you're sure?" She took a deep sigh of relief.

" I'm sure" I assured her.

" Great, hope to see you around!" She said.

" You too!" I smiled as she waved goodbye. i entered my room and closed the door behind me befre throwing my suitcase onto the bed on the right. " oh crap! Allie!" I turned around quickly holding two papers that Allie had given me by accident but ended up bashing into someone.

" Woah!" He said, it was a boy, oh god.

" I'm so sorry, i was just-" i began but he cut across me.

" Its fine honestly"  He said in hope to calm me down. It was then when I took a proper look at him, I realised, he had just come out of the shower." I didn't realise you'd be here so early" He blushed.

" I can go-" I motioned over to the door.

" No its fine, could you pass me my clothes though?" He looked at the pile of clothes that lay accross his bed.

" Yeah sure" I said trying not to look at his perfectly toned abs, why did I have to share a room with a hot guy, WHY.

" You must be Beth?" He asked as I leaned over the bed fetching his hoodie, white tishirt and chinos.

" Yep" I smiled hadning him the clothes.

"I'm-" he began.

" George?" I guessed.

" Nice to meet you" He said." I'd shake your hand but-" He blushed looking down at the towel around his waist.

" Right" I  laughed awkwardly.

" I'll be out in a sec" He giggled before shutting the bathroom door. I turned to my bed and began unpacking my suitcase.

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