Chapter 1: Reconciliation

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It was a cloudless night. We've had a tiresome day chasing after yokai (demons) and locating the Shikon no Tama (Shikon Jewel). Sango-chan and Kirara had turned in for the night and were sleeping. Miroku-sama was on night guard so he stayed awake deep in the forest somewhere. Inuyasha was nowhere in sight as I was guessing that he probably went in search of Kikyo somewhere again considering how her shinidamachu (Soul Collectors) were seen flying above us from time to time with fresh souls in their clutch. I sat by the cracking fire. Shippo beside me with his fox legs curled up around his chest.

"You're not angry at Inuyasha?" The small yokai (demon) asked me, his emerald orbs glowed from the firelight. I sighed. "I don't really belong in this world in the first place anyways." I told him as I rested my chin on my knees. "Best to defeat Naraku and retrieve the Jewel as soon as we can so everything can go back to normal."

"But Kagome!" Shippo protested as he stood up. "It's not like you to give up so easily!"

Tearing my eyes from the fire finally, I looked at Shippo with a wry smile. "While I do love Inuyasha, his heart is still with Kikyo. Besides, I never belonged to this era to begin with, not to mention that I'm just a reincarnate. At this point, things can't be changed."


"Well, it's late and we have an early start tomorrow." I looked at the sky. "You should head to bed."

"But what about you? Will you be alright?" Shippo asked with worry written on his face. I smiled softly at him. "I will be. I'm just going to take a walk. I'll be back."

He nodded and made his way to his mat, which was next to Sango-chan's. He pulled the tattered covering over his small body. I followed him and tucked him in. His eyes, which were alert and were looking at me, were soon overcome by sleep. "Good night Kagome….." he mumbled as he drifted off.

"Good night Shippo. Sweet dreams." I brushed a small strand of hair away from his childish face before standing up, slowly venturing into the unknown darkness of the forest.

I wasn't too far from our camp until I felt a presence. It wasn't exactly like a demon's, but it wasn't exactly human either. I was way too familiar with the aura to know whose it belonged to. Pushing away bushes, I proceeded forward until I came to a clearing. A girl with long, dark hair sat beside a lake with her back turned against me. Two children administered to her as shinidamachus (Soul Collectors) wandered around her. I was quite surprised to find a certain red-robed hanyo (half demon) to not be present at the scene.

"I know you're there Kagome. State your business."

A familiar, cold voice came. I sighed and approached the miko (priestess). "I thought Inuyasha is here with you."

The miko dismissed the children. They bowed their heads and left in silence. Then her head turned, glancing at me with her slanted, elegant brown eye. "Since when am I obligated to watch over that hanyo (half-demon)?"

"I…..I just thought that he'd be with you since he always goes to find you whenever you make an appearance…."

I rubbed my arm, shrinking back in the shadows as I replied. I felt inferior to her as a reincarnation of her. Yeah, of course. I should be. She's everything I'm not. She's beautiful, elegant, calm, collected, smart, and powerful. She was more suitable for Inuyasha than me, who doesn't even belong to this era.

"He's not here." She looked away. That was supposed to be my signal to leave, but I stayed. Kikyo stood up. Her back was still facing me. "Do you need something?"

Gathering up my courage, I tried something that I've never done before. It even shocked myself that I would even consider such a thought. "I just want to talk to you and get to know you better."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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