ch-1 'hope'

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Audio playing
'Happy birthday to you'
'Happy birthday to you'
As the girl blow the candle, the whole room get dark,just the light of streetlights and building outside her window .
She sigh while pushing the cake beside her, she took her books, she felt strangely tired than usual, she's getting weaker and useless.The girl didn't sleep for almost a week now because of anxiety and school stuff, her classmates homework piled up in her desk, at every sight, you can see how messy her room is

Deapite being all alone, some kids used to harrass her, she's a topper, she doesn't get enough sleep that make her look dull that's seems funny to some student.

She can't talk back, she has a reputation to protect, Her mom has drinking issues her dad has anger issues. Everyday after school she was welcomed with an angry father and a drunk mother.

Even when she was little it always been like this, nothings change. In fact, its get worse. There's no hope for her in this toxic atmosphere, theres no hope for 'everything will be okay'.

Even in her birthday, no one wish her no one came, no text, no call, instead she has to study.

She look out the window to see a crowded people talking,laughing.She can't imagine being there, she has anxiety it gets worse around people.
Just seeing the loud crowded place make her shiver.

She tried her hardest not to care, but it was too much. For a little girl like her this world is enough to make her suffer.


The next morning came. She wakes up at 5,like usual. She prepare her bag and dress herself up. She skip breakfast and went straight to hell(school).
She reach school as early as possible to prevent worse things from happening.
She went straight to her classroom, and give out all the home work she did for her classmates, after that she went to library.

She has a special spot, in the corner near the window, it's dark and quiet. She used her time to study as much as possible as she's always busy doing homework at home.

It's early October so the wind is chilly and the clouds were dull, it look like it will rain soon.
She reads and reads until the bell rings.

Hoping everyone should be in class, she went out of the library and head to her first class.

She enter the classroom just in time.
Everyone eyeing her up and down but she head straight towards her seat.
She kept her cold expression on her face which problaby some studeny finds it annoying.

She acts like she can't get hurt, she act like she didn't care about the bullying, that made them want to do it more.
Yeah Danny suffers from heart disease.
She can't play like the others kids since she was young. So she's been distancing herself from this world and didn't make any friends, her only friends died in a car accident, she don't want any friend anymore after that. She turning 18 yesterday, but she's still the same.
The weak little girl that can't even stand up for herslf.


The first class was over, Danny took her books and just when she was about to step out shes stop by a hand which were grabbed around her shoulder. "Dannyyy, lent me some money please" A guy claimed. At the very moment Danny felt so uncomfortable and scared. She handed him the money which he won't problaby pay back. She would pay a billion to end this bullying .

At first Danny used to have friends, it was back in elementary, they were always together,the went to the same middle school too. But she backstabbed her, making false rumours about her stealing things and doing drugs. In which everyone believe her. She didn't do anything to defence herself after her dad said "just let it be, it'll all cool down later".From that day she didn't do anything, nor standing up for herself waiting for this to cool down. Which it never will.

The second class end and there was already some kids approaching her with bad intention. Third class started she sit in front of the school jock. He brush her hair aside, removing the maker head with his teeth, he wrote 'I'm sexy' on the back of her shirt which made the class laugh. She look down, feeling no emotion in her, she was so used to this and knew it gonna happen anyway, it would be embarrasing to cry in front of this whole class, she kept quiet, as the teacher didn't know anything. Soon the class was over.


It's lunchbreak about instead of going to the cafeteria,she went to the bathroom, her head was spinning like crazing, she hold herself up using the counter. Her legs kept shaking. This is a norm for her.
Today was alot better than yesterday, who knows it's only lunchtime.
She sigh keeping her head down.


Danny's stomach were groaning. The teacher kept writing, the students were laughing. It was so mess up, dannys sit at the second last row, she look up to see the board but everything was dark, her classmate face were blank, there's a loud ring while the teaching writing echoed in the classroom, she closed her eyes and breathe in slowly and deeply. If she's standing right now she will surely fainted.


It's breaktime and it was raining heavily, making the atmosphere even colder. Some girls approach her while she was on her locker. The girl harshly push her making her back hit the locker, suck for her, her back hit right at the lock on the locker which made her whimper in pain. The girls laugh like they just made a good joke. "here's my aaaignment, do it for me will ya" She trow the paper at her face while the other one laugh. "Pathetic"she whispered while Danny pick up the paper.

School was over,Danny head straight to library to escape from the crowded people.

After some time Danny went out to go to another hell(house).

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