Weekly Shorts: An Introduction

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Hello hello, wonderful people! It's Spruce here to give you a quick introduction to my new series, and also what inspired me to start this.

This series will be a forever-ongoing collection of poems and short stories that I come up with from scratch every week. I'm hoping it will provide some more excitement for those who don't like reading full-fledged books, and also send well-thought out works of literature to more avid readers.

There is also a more personal reason for creating this collection: Recently, I have been though some difficult episodes with my mental and physical health. It is nothing too serious, but the doctors are not sure exactly what condition I have. So my anxiety has been fluctuating for 2 months now, and I really needed something that would help me get my mind off everything. Then I came to realize that I desired inspiration and art, and that would give me the chance to let go. And I was right. Writing little pieces of writing of several genres inspired by the world around me allowed me to slowly improve myself and my lifestyle.

I hope that this collection will give you all the inspiration that it provided to me while writing them. We all need something to look forward to, and my goal is for this series of shorts will give you a quick boost for your Friday's, and for the upcoming week ahead.

As per usual, be sure to vote on each chapter and leave a comment, because I would love to hear from all of you!

Kick back and relax, and enjoy the ride! 😊

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