Chapter 1 - The Demise of Binod City

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Binod City, ah what a wonderful and lively place to be. People from all over the world came to become a part of its lifestyle. The only city that even had a remote chance of becoming more influential than Binod City was Tokyo and even then it was a far cry from the prosperity of Binod City. The UN praised the city for its work towards better earth and its contributions to space travel and anti-war efforts.

 The city sits atop an extensive island chain in the middle of the Indian Ocean. And no that isn't the Maldives, it is an island chain that grew from the sea when the Ice Age nearly wiped out humans from the face of the planet 5000 years ago. However, despite this, Binod City was at its greatest, it was at peace.

Unfortunately, that was what it felt like a long decade ago. Since then terrorism, disease, and crime had gone rampant. The city's infrastructure has been crumbling, rats from the container ships that stop by made it into the city, now you can see them wherever you go and can't go more than 5 seconds without seeing rats rummage through the endless trash piles. 

What happened to this city? It was once so full of life and prosperity.

All of this is because of the devastation of the Great Burning one decade ago.

Binod was walking down the street of the destroyed city, he walked around, rummaging through the piles of garbage that littered the streets, he tries to find anything he could use to survive. Just then, one of the city's largest buildings started to tip. Everyone around looked out of the windows of their dystopian homes only to see the building come crashing down, killing thousands. People rushed out to help the wounded and to bring the dead bodies to their respective families. Binod looked out and rushed to the scene, people could be seen taking advantage of the situation.
They began looting stores and running away with several valuables they could use to get a life somewhere else. Somewhere more peaceful, and better. Nonetheless, that wasn't the main issue as of now. Many wanted to get out of the living hell that became Binod City after the Great Burning that killed half the city's population.
Those that stayed had to live in large-scale slums after the city's tall buildings and flats became unlivable due to the intense radiation and some were even engulfed by the crater from the Blast.

Binod continued to run towards the accident site.

Thinking to himself, "When I grow older, I will rebuild this city." He was only 9 at the time, his tenth birthday would come soon on March 5th.
However his concern wasn't what he would get for his birthday as most kids his age would be thinking about, but what he would do in the future to rebuild the city he was named after.

The Fall of the city's 3rd tallest building was devastating, to say the least. It was one of the only pillars of hope that kept people going in this barren wasteland. One even used the sharp metal wiring to stab himself in the chest just to get out of this living hell.
Besides, there were no working hospitals; they had to treat the wounded on-site with no proper medical equipment. Binod Finally arrived at the site after sprinting for 10 whole minutes. There he found his Mum, who was the de-facto leader of the city after the great burning. She was a tall woman, with dark hair and a short temper. As he approached her she simply told him. 

"Make yourself useful. We have people dying here." 

Immediately Binod rushed to the crash site he found hundreds of dead bodies as he frantically looked for those that survived. There was sweat dripping from his forehead as he pulled apart concrete in the blistering heat. At last, he found something, it wasn't a body, but something completely different. A scroll. He had heard about these in his history lessons; it was a primitive form of information gathering that was used thousands of years ago.
He had remembered those times. He had learned about those people. Some even lived without a care in the world, Binod had no idea how it felt to live without worries. To live freely. Throughout his life, he has been bound by the fact that he will be stuck on this island forever. He continued to push away the rubble as he placed the ancient scroll in his back pocket.

Today's date was March 5th, 5269. Binod had just remembered as he woke up in the morning, it was his birthday! But soon after he realized the fact that one of the city's 3 pillars of hope had been crushed just days before. This feeling of dread set in. He knew the city had a little over 20 years left before ultimately it would be lost forever. He remembered the odd scroll that he had found at the accident site of the Gattler Building A.K.A The third Pillar of hope. 

He took the scroll from the floor of his room. It looked like it had been through a blizzard, sandstorm, and hurricane all at once. He opened the scroll only to see writings that meant nothing to him. However, as he looked further into the scroll it all made sense. It wasn't so much of an essay but a story written through pictures.

He began to skim through it understanding that another disaster such as the great Burning had happened to this city almost 3000 years ago. It was a great Wave that drowned the city in a pool of fish and salty water. Millions died but before the city was completely destroyed. There was a masked hero that traveled the world to save the city. The only piece of text appeared in the Book, "History Must Repeat Itself."

Binod stood on top of his family's shack, and looked up into the sky and thought.

"I finally have a chance, I will change Binod city, and soon the world. When I turn 18 of course."


This is my first book collaboration and my friend's first writing on Wattpad. Please consider sharing the book if you like it.

Please check my friend out @BinodVinod. He hasn't written anything, because he wants views from my account. The account that I spent almost 2 years now writing books.

D: I will be using the Pseudonym d. Anyway, I had fun writing this first part of the book. Even though I did most of the work I would still consider this a collab because I'm using my friend's accounts. Anyway, I want this story to be read by at least a few people because it is my first time on Wattpad. Anyway, I'm grateful to my friend and hopefully, this book will get a few views. :)

M: Honestly, you tried to spoil a lot of stuff in the first chapter. He even bid that for every view he gets on this book he gets 0.1$. But what you said was really nice.

Have a good day and stay safe.

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