Cotton Hearts Prolgue

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Cotten Hearts 


"So , yeah ........"I said. how did this happen ive been at this school for 2 years , now im 14 and best friends with a great guy in my year ,hes also 14.With short chesnut brown hair , and emerald green eyes.And a girl with sholder length cherry red hair and brown eyes with flecks of red.We all became best friends in my first few weeks of school.I have long dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes.RINNNGGG!!! "Well theres the bell for the end of school, see you guys tomrro !!" Lizze shoted as she grabbed all her stuff and ran out of the class room. "Ok...... that was a bit weird dont you think?"questioned Brian."Yeah , shes been acting weird lately..."I said lamly. "err,well by Alexa , see you tomror"Brain said while waiting for me to get my stuff."Sure , as long as i dont get hit by a bus on the way home !"i said just as a joke "Well dont"Brian said looking really seriously "Ok.. well see you tomror"i said pushing my way through the big school doors and plugged in my head phones.Its seems like Lizze wasnt the only one acting weirdlyd as she grabbed all her stuff and ran out of the class room. "Ok...... that was a bit weird dont you think?"questioned Brian."Yeah , shes been acting weird lately..."I said lamly. "err,well by Alexa , see you tomror"Brain said while waiting for me to get my stuff."Sure , as long as i dont get hit by a bus on the way home !"i said just as a joke "Well dont"Brian said looking really seriously "Ok.. well see you tomror"i said pushing my way through the big school doors and plugged in my head phones.Its seems like Lizze wasnt the only one acting weirdly

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