𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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(srry about this first part i am not that good at writing books so plz enjoy lol)


                                                                                     bad grammar


(Tyler's pov)

I woke up by Mei hitting me on the shoulder "ow, what was that for huh?" " sorry Tyler but it's time to go for lunch, also did you hear 4towns coming back!!!" I couldn't believe my ears, 4town was coming back to Toronto. i could finally see z again, but idk if they would talk to us since we kinda destroyed the last concert like literally. Me and mei walked over to the other girls, Mei told them the news and they freaked out.  " OMGGGGGG 4TOWNS COMING BACK!!!!!" Abby said yelling for the whole school to know. " Abby your over reacting AGAIN!!!" i said yelling at her. "sorry your majesty. Forgive for my sins" Abby said in an annoyed tone. 

|||||||| Time skip to the next day lol|||||||

Man i really hate mornings they always seem like you just got hit by a bus. i thought while  putting on my clothes for the day then I was  wondering what to do today. then it finally hit me like that bus i mentioned earlier, i could just nap. :) 

But then my mother came in the room as i was laying down " get ur lazy ass up and go do something" "But mom im too lazy to do anything" " then go find something to do, go play basketball, play ur guitar, do something!" "mom all those things sound like they take up a lot of energy and im tooooooooo lazy to do that !" "fine then you're not going to that 4town concert!" oh hell naw she did not just say that! " fine then i will go play basketball just please let me gooooo!" "Tyler you know that the concerts today right?" i froze in place when she said that. wait mei didnt even say when it was, right? i got up as fast as i could and ran out the door running all the way to mei's house.

 when i got there i knocked on her window, she opened it i started yelling at her saying " when  did you say the concert was!!" " i didnt..." " well when is it ?!?" i said practically screaming. " its today !!" " okay!" " okay?" " is anyone paying for you???" i said looking at mei. "No, I made money yesterday tho for me and the girls!!!" "oh okay then see you!!" "okay see you!!! wait Tyler!" "yeah mei?" "i um have something to tell you! at the concert!!" "oh okay! see you at the concert later!!" "bye ty-ty..." 

to be continued...

these two are sooooooo cute together

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these two are sooooooo cute together


word count(507) i guess im doing good i edited it abit!! cause i didnt like it i was too quick!

Random thoughts (Aaron z x tyler fanfic/ one shots if anyone wants it!)Where stories live. Discover now