Abigail Potter and the Diary of Tom Riddle

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Dumbledore let out a long mournful sigh before removing his half moon spectacles from the crook of his nose. He rubbed his hand across his tired eyes and placed his spectacles back on his nose. Dumbledore had been sitting in his office for the past hour starring sorrowful into space. The room was quite except for the soft snores and the occasional snorts from the sleeping past headmaster and mistress portraits that decorated the room.   

Dumbledore knew that he should be setting off to Four, Privet Drive, where he would meet Professor McGonagall and Hagrid. It was already nearly 12 o’clock and they would be expecting him, but something in his conscious was urging him to stay in his office just a little bit longer. He had in fact been debating whether or not to listen to his conscious or not for the past hour. 

After much internal debating, Dumbledore decided to stay put just a little longer. After all, a few more minutes wouldn’t make a difference. Having made his decision, Dumbledore affectingly stroked Fawkes the phoenix. Fawkes gazed back at him from where he was perched, unmoving.  “Something extraordinary has happened.” Dumbledore told the phoenix.

Something extraordinary had happened just hours ago. The Dark Lord, Voldemort, had been seemingly destroyed but not without a cost. James and Lily Potter were dead leaving their children Harry and Abigail Potter alone in the world. Something extraordinary had happened in the Potter’s house, something that had destroyed the most powerful Dark Wizard of all time.  Somehow Harry Potter had survived the fatal killing curse, leaving him only with a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt. Only Albus Dumbledore knew how the boy had survived.  

“It’s a pity,” Dumbledore told Fawkes. “That the children will never know their parents; they will have to stay with their aunt’s family.” He let out a long sight before continuing, “I’m afraid though, that the family is highly opposed of magic or anything out of the ordinary in fact. But there is no other option, Harry and Abigail Potter must stay with their Aunt.”

Suddenly without warning the office doors were thrown open and in barged a tall, well built man with long lustrous black hair and striking grey eyes. Striding toward Dumbledore, the young man’s face was twisted with many emotions and his grey eyes glinted menacingly.  His long black hair was tangled with knots and had some leaves entwined in his messy hair.  His appearance left him looking like a mad man who had escaped from prison.

“Sirius,” Dumbledore calmly greet him as he rose from his chair. 

“Dumbledore you can’t!” Sirius nearly yelled as he slammed his hands down onto the headmaster’s desk. His face seemed to be trembling with anger.  

Unflinching from Sirius’s outburst Dumbledore calmly stopped one of the many silver instruments that were displayed on his desk from rattling.  “What can I not do?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Sirius spit out. He pointed his finger accusingly at him which was shaking with anger, “sending Harry and Abigail off to their good for nothing muggle aunt!” 

“Sirius please listen—”

“Don’t tell me you don’t know about their attitude towards anything magical,” Sirius cut in angrily. “Lily’s sister, Petunia, shunned her after she discovered she was a witch. Her rotten husband despises anything that he considered not normal.” He continued ranting as he paced around the room, rubbing his hands nervously. “And that child of theirs is spoiled to death; he already looks like he weighs more than a pig!” Sirius’s voice had risen to a yell, already more than half the headmasters and mistress had awoken from their slumber.  They shifted uneasily in their portraits and whispered among themselves, they weren’t used to someone speaking to a headmaster in that tone.

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